


早在2007年,着名的Vogue杂志就表示“可持续时尚似乎不是一个短期趋势,而是可以持续多个季节”(Gordon and Hill,n.d。)。 Earth Pledge也报道了这是一个促进可持续发展的非盈利组织,“至少有8,000种化学品用于将原材料转化为纺织品,25%的世界农药用于种植非有机棉。这导致不可逆转对人和环境造成的损害,仍然有三分之二的服装碳足迹将在购买后出现,“(Gwilt,nd)生态时尚是由系统设计有意识地引入的。人们已经注意到,设计师们不仅努力提出问题,让其他人更加注重环保,而且还在生产过程中引入环保材料,以便他们能够履行社会责任。尽管所有讨论背后仍然存在问题,但是时尚可以变得可持续吗?

This means that the usage of that kind of resource should be made in such a way that the coming generations do not have to face a lack of that resource. In short sustainability is the endurance or the capacity to endure. But this kind of definition of sustainability makes it hard for the man of common prudence to help it connect with fashion. Thus along with fashion and sustainability as two different terms one also has to know as to what is the meaning of sustainable fashion. When one can understand the meaning of sustainable fashion, it will be easier to discuss whether its existence would be possible or not.
Sustainable fashion has rather become a fashionable word in the respective industry in today’s date. The term fashion development is being used by people who are known to create fashion of new kinds and in other words is also known as eco-fashion, where the people who create fashion or rather the designers try to infuse the concept and trend of sustainability into fashion and fashion industry. The basic goal of introducing these concepts in the fashion industry is to make an industry sustainable. This can be done by creating such a system which exists in collaboration with the social responsibility that one would have towards the society and the environment as an individual but also with environmentalism.
Back in 2007, the very famous Vogue magazine stated “sustainable fashion appears not to be a short-term trend but one which could last multiple seasons”(Gordon and Hill, n.d.). It has been also reported by Earth Pledge which is a non-profitable organization promoting sustainability that “at least 8,000 chemicals are used to turn raw materials into textiles and 25% of the world’s pesticides are used to grow non-organic cotton. This causes irreversible damage to people and the environment, and still two thirds of a garment’s carbon footprint will occur after it is purchased,”(Gwilt, n.d.) eco-fashion is something which is being consciously introduced by the designed in the system. It has been noticed that the designers are making efforts to not only raise the issue and make others more environmentally conscious but also introduce environmentally friendly materials in their production so that they can fulfil their duties as social beings. Despite of all the discussion what remains behind is the question, can fashion be made sustainable?

论文代写价格 :可持续时尚的讨论分析

在一段时间内,顾客开始比以前更深入地研究他们穿的衣服。客户也注意到服装行业和时尚不仅仅是购买价格合理的服装。虽然关于这一点的好处是,它也会引起人们对低工资和恶劣工作条件下在时尚行业工作的人们的关注,但实际上却回答了这个问题。时尚可以持久。虽然快时尚是一种趋势,但这些行业背后的人们被迫以低工资工作,用低价制造和销售的材料制作衣服,这样一次可以生产出最大量的衣服,可持续的时尚是一个与之相反的话题。因此可以说,如果与相关行业相关的人们可以关注下面提到的各个点,并且如果他们是时尚产业的一部分,也可以将它们结合起来,那是可持续的时尚(Hethorn和Ulasewicz,2008) )。

Over the period of time the customers have begun looking into the clothes they wear more deeply than they have ever done before. It has been noticed by the customers too that the garment industry and fashion is beyond buying reasonable priced clothes. Though the good point about this is that it would also draw attention to the people who work in the fashion industries at low wages and poor working conditions, but more than that it actually answers the question. Fashion can be made sustainable. Though fast fashion is a trend now and the people behind these industries are forced to work at low wages and make clothes out of materials which are made and sold at low prices so that maximum amount of clothes can be produced at a time, sustainable fashion is a topic opposite to it. Thus it can be said that yes fashion can be made sustainable if the people related to the respective industry can focus on the respective points which have been mentioned below and also incorporate them if they are a part of the fashion industry (Hethorn and Ulasewicz, 2008).
Cotton is one material which is used the most in the fashion industry and sadly enough it is also the material which is the most ‘pesticide-intensive’ and thus requires about more than 25% of the total chemicals like pesticides and fungicides. But nevertheless at the same time the chemical burdens can be reduced and this kind of initiative is recognized by ‘Global Organic Textile Standard’. Thus buying and producing products with these sustains fashion.