


供应链中所涉及的链接的最大数量,这个供应链最终变得越复杂和复杂。通过简化供应链和处理不必要的环节,可以提高效率和减少开支。当有可能与制造商进行直接合作时,必须有来自中介来源的采购(Melville, 2010)。通过直接与制造商合作,可以显著降低成本,创建更高效、更简单的供应链。

论文代写价格 :企业供应链环节的战略建议

通过减少供应链的环节,ABC将成功地降低与收货和发货相关的风险。由于气候、自然灾害、经济崩溃和国际边界安全等因素造成的全球贸易的偶然性,应确保将供应商简化为数量有限的制造商。这对于提高供应链的效率和可靠性是至关重要的,同时降低企业对不可预见的灾难的脆弱性(Sarac et al., 2010)。为了从整体上提高业务水平,ABC对新兴技术的适应能力变得至关重要,从而确保了竞争优势的建立。通过将现代技术集成到业务计划中,可以提高生产率,提高客户保留率和客户满意度,并确保降低成本。还可以安装射频识别,这对于为企业所有者提供许多好处至关重要。在这一策略的范围内,将在所有产品上放置RFID芯片,同时提供范围来维护库存的简单跟踪(Tate et al., 2010)。由于RFID芯片提供了更高的可视性,通过检测订单异常,供应链的效率有了很大的提高。

论文代写价格 :企业供应链环节的战略建议

The maximum number of links involved in the supply chain, the more complex and convoluted this chain ends up becoming. By the simplification of supply chain and disposition of links that are unnecessary, there can be an improvement in efficiency and reduction in expenditures. While performing direct work with the manufacturers whenever there is a possibility, there must be purchases from an intermediary source (Melville, 2010). By performing work with the manufacturers directly, there can be a significant reduction in expenses and creation of more efficient and simpler chain of supply.

论文代写价格 :企业供应链环节的战略建议

By reduction in the links of the supply chain, ABC will be successful in lowering the risks in association with receiving and shipment. Provided with the contingency of global trade on factors like weather, natural disasters, and economic collapse, and international border security, the simplification of suppliers to the restricted number of manufacturers should be ensured. This is crucial for the improvement of efficiency and reliability of the supply chain, while reducing the vulnerability of business towards the unforeseen disaster (Sarac et al., 2010). For the improvement of business on the whole, it becomes crucial for ABC for the adaptation of emerging technologies, ensuring the establishment of competitive edge. By the integration of modern technologies within the plan of business, there can be an increased enhancement of productivity with the improvement of client retention and customer satisfaction and ensuring to cut costs. There can also be an installation of Radio Frequency Identification that is crucial for providing a number of benefits to the owner of business. Under the scope of this strategy, there will be placement of RFID Chips on all products while providing scope to maintain an easy track of the stock (Tate et al., 2010). Because of the enhanced visibility provided by RFID chips, there is a substantial improvement in the efficiency of supply chain by the detection of order anomalies as they take place.