

  本篇論文代寫價格-移民危機講了澳大利亞移民社區與澳大利亞社區之間不斷髮生衝突,在無休止的討論中不斷壯大。一些澳大利亞人對移民羣體的仇恨和敵意,根源於多元文化主義的歷史衝突,以及在接受共同的人權義務方面缺乏共識。宗教信仰、文化生活方式的巨大差異使得生存是相互矛盾的。本篇論文代寫價格文章由新西蘭第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  The migrant community in Australia has been growing among endless discussion over its constant conflict with the Australian community. The hate and enmity that some Australians has for the migrant community has its roots in the historical conflict of multiculturalism and the lack of consensus of accepting shared human rights obligations. The stark difference in religious beliefs,cultural way of life is such that it is incompatible with each other to survive. This further leads to more powerful try to undermine the weaker that is the Australian citizens and its law over themigrants. This conflict has led to colonial policing in areas of migrant community and the rise of racist incidence that led to the punishment of some migrants despite appropriate evidence against them. The conflict, instead of reducing has become stronger in some area. And there is an immediate requirement of a truce between the two cultural entities.

  This essay determines the relation between colonial policing and racialized punishment that is predominant in some parts of contemporary Australia. The essay also provides some suggestions for what best could be the case in such ethical dilemmas.

  Relation between colonial policing and racial punishment

  The migrant crisis is not only disturbing Europe, US and others but also Australia to a large scale. Political will be the one which must intervene to calm the rising conflict before it takes up a nasty stance. The direct impact on migrant influx is the rise of multiculturalism. Hence more difficulty is to engage with a community with different beliefs, religious values, and way of life. This threat is most felt by the Australian citizens who have been habituating the planet since centuries and suddenly find themselves to be obliged to change to a different way of life, just to accommodate the feelings and sentiments of the migrant community. As a result, some enmity starts to develop among them, which results into a situation where the growth of hatred grows at a faster pace than the need for humanely treatment. When the entire community of urban Australians aligns in their dominant thoughts which is forming a resistance to accept migrants or anyone from a different culture, its impacts and influence also reaches the police and judicial interpretations. Justice is seen as relative and subjective, largely in favour of majority. Policing, which is to protect each citizens and guests from all kinds of crime and injustice also becomes weak in their stance to support the migrants. Rise in colonial policing has been a result of such conditions and worldviews that takes precedence over moral responsibility.
