

H0:β1 = 0,收入水平沒有影響家庭食品支出的. .

H1:β2≠0,收入水平影響家庭食品支出(Pugsley, 2014)。

T -測試,


T* = 0.0146 -0/0.003 = 4.87


自4.87>2.06以來,原假設被拒絕,認為收入水平對家庭食品支出有影響,具有統計學意義(Monteiro, 2013)。


H0:β1 =β2 =β3 = 0,斜率參數的模型都等於零,沒有一個變量影響家庭食品支出。

使用F – test,

F * = 28.942

F -在5%顯著性水平(k, n-k-1)自由度下為臨界

F- Critical(.05)(3,26) = 2.98之間

決策規則:如果F*> F -critical。拒絕零假設

由於28.942 > 2.98,拒絕原假設,可以得出任何自變量都會對家庭食品支出產生影響的結論。

運行到Gretl軟件後收集的數據表明,各自變量的系數均顯著為95%。數據表明,家庭收入水平與家庭食品支出呈正相關。有孩子的家庭比沒有孩子的家庭有更多的食物支出(Singh, 2014)。與居住在阿爾伯塔省的人相比,住在新布倫瑞克的人花的錢更多。從數據中可以明顯看出,收入水平越高的人在家庭食品支出上的支出越多。


論文代寫價格 :影響家庭食品支出的數據分析

H0 : β1 = 0, the level of income has no effect on the expenditure of family food..
H1 : β2 ≠ 0, the level of income has effect on the expenditure of family food (Pugsley, 2014).
T – test,
T-critical at 5% level of significance with 26 degrees of freedom, 2 sided test =2.06
T* = 0.0146 -0/0.003 = 4.87
Decision rule: if t> t- critical, the null hypothesis has been rejected Since 4.87>2.06, the null hypothesis has been rejected and concluded that the income level has an effect on the family food expenditure, it is statistically significant (Monteiro, 2013). Type II H0 : β1 = β2 = β3 = 0, the parameters of slope in the model are equal to zero, none of the variable affect family Food expenditure. Use F – test, F = 28.942
F – Critical at 5% level of significance /with (k, n-k-1) degrees of freedom
F- Critical (.05) (3, 26) = between 2.98
Decision rule: if F*> F –critical. Reject null hypothesis
Since 28.942 > 2.98, the null hypothesis will be rejected and conclusion can be done that any of the independent variable will have the effect on family Food expenditure.
The data which has been collected after running in to Gretl software, there is an indication of each of the coefficient of the independent variables are significant at 95%. The data shows that the income level of the family has the positive association in the family food expenditure. The families which have children have more food expenditure as compared to that of the families which are without children (Singh, 2014). The people who live in New Brunswick spend more money as compared to that of the people who live in Alberta. It is clear from the data that the people who have higher income level spend more amounts on family food expenditure.
In concluding all of the above facts, it can be concluded that the expenditure of the family on food is extremely affected by the income level of the people, type of family and the region in which they live. The three independent variables which are considered here are the income level, family type and the region, dependent on the variable of family food expenditure in the linear regression model and the results of this are the consistent expectation. It can be said that the people who have higher income level will have more food expenditure and the people who have lower income have lower food expenditure.
