

今天为大家分享一篇优秀的论文范文-论文代写价格:中国的零售业。本文讲述的是历史上,零售一直被视为通过零售商店向客户销售商品(Bruzzone & Longo 2010)。这些商店所经历的零售生命周期有四个阶段。所有的零售机构——就像他们销售的商品和服务一样——都经历了可识别的生命阶段:引入(早期成长)、成长(加速发展)、成熟和衰退。制度变迁的方向和速度可以从这个概念来解释。在pos设备上运行的零售系统静态数据验证了该理论。然而,如今的零售商店已经不仅仅是有形产品的销售,还包括产品展示、产品体验、优质服务和售后服务。它还有助于在相对重要性上与美国和西欧平起平坐。如需要完整内容的论文代写价格范文资料,请联系我们的客服。


零售商业模式受组织能力、市场营销趋势和竞争三个因素的影响。零售店直接提供产品和服务,与顾客面对面交流。因此,客户使用信用卡或现金支付,而不是在线支付(McArthur et al. 2016)。零售商店有一些固有的优势,包括传递真实的客户体验,建立客户忠诚度,增加价值感知和设计私人订购(Polsa & Fan, 2011)。萧明雄(2008)对网上商店和实体店进行了比较研究。本研究表明,从维护成本、租金费用、管理费用等方面来看,网店具有成本低的优势。但是,零售店需要承担更多的费用,尤其是租金。(Berger et al., 2015)。电子商务零售业已经成为最快的贸易领域,超过其他贸易。电子商务是带来机会的金融机构,特别是对于发展中国家(Zhu & Chen, 2013)。在尼尔森(Nielsen)进行的一项新研究中,他发现,在高利润率方面,中国的网上交易常常超过全球平均水平。


最近的研究表明,中国的B2B模式和B2C模式将引领其他国家,因为中国电子商务行业重塑了消费者的现代生活方式和行为方式。中国B2C在线零售的增长速度将是整体零售的三倍,到2018年,在线销售总额的一半将来自3级及以下城市(德君和金金2015)。然而,实体店承受着利润微薄和成本上升的压力。租金、员工工资和管理费用都在快速增长。研究表明,由于主要费用(包括水电费、工资总额和租金)显著增加,毛利率逐渐下降。因此,销售价格高于网店(Deloitte, 2015)。为了在竞争中生存下来,大多数零售商都在寻求新的经营模式。中国连锁企业采取并购战略,增加市场份额和市场力量,实现规模经济和收入流多元化(Qinghong 2015)


Historically, retailing has been viewed as the sale of goods to the customer through a retail shop (Bruzzone & Longo 2010). The retail life cycle that these shops go through is that of four stages. All retail institutions–like the goods and services they sell–pass through identifiable life stages: introduction (early growth), growth (accelerated development), maturity, and decline. The direction and speed of institutional changes can be interpreted from this concept. The theory is proven by the static data from the retail system operating on pos equipment. However, today, retail store involves more than the sale of tangible products, including products exhibition, product experience, quality services and after-sales service. 论文代写价格Retail business model is influenced by three factors: organisational capabilities, the trends in marketing and competition. Retail shops directly provide products and service, commutating with customers by face-to-face. Thus, customers pay the bill by card or cash rather than online payment (McArthur et al. 2016). There are some inherent advantages in the retail shop, comprising delivery of real customer’s experience, building customer loyalty, adding value in value perception and designing private ordering (Polsa & Fan, 2011). Ming-Hsiung Hsiao (2008) conducted a study to compare online shop with physical store. This research study indicates online shops own superior advantages of low cost from maintaining cost, rent expense, and administration overheads. However, retail shops need undertake more expense, especially, rent expense. (Berger et al., 2015). E-commerce retails have become the fastest trade sector exceeding other trade. The E-commerce is the financial institution which brings the opportunity, especially, for the developing country (Zhu & Chen, 2013). In a new study conducted by Nielsen, he found that transaction online in china often exceeds the global average at high margin.


More recent researches show that B2B model and B2C model in China will lead to other countries because Chinese e-commerce industry reshapes consumer’s modern lifestyle and behaviour. B2C online retail in China will grow three times faster than overall retail, and by 2018 half of total online sales will come from Tier-3 cites and below(Dejun & Jinjin 2015). However, physical stores bear the pressure from narrow profits and increasing costs. The cost of rent, employee salary and overheads all increased at rapid growth. Research has shown that the gross margin is gradually decreased because the main expenses (including utilities, total salary and rent) increase significantly. Therefore, the sale price is higher than an online shop (Deloitte, 2015). Most of the retailers are trying to seek the new business model to survive in competition.论文代写价格 Chinese chain store adopts the strategy of merging and acquisition to increase the market shares and market power, thereby, achieving economies of scale and diversifying income streams (Qinghong 2015)