


根据退休少将佩里·史密斯,一个领导者的一个区别在一个大而复杂的组织和引导人们的组织。这篇文章描述了失败的领导不符合要求命令气候面对证据,包括偏离规定和可怜的命令。有几个命令这些失败的迹象但是案例研究Czar52崩溃(Hymowitz,卡罗尔,2004)。审讯进入这个账户由空军基地展示了众多高级翼飞行员领导失败的例子。这场事故发生在1994年June24 Czar52练习演习时即将到来的节目。概要计划由机组人员在中校级别超过了监管限制严重。当准备练习结束后,他们应该执行一个回合会话,因为是另一个飞机失控。船员试图采取左转在中场位置。飞机坠毁在大约一半在转身没有幸存者的机组人员。这些事故都是毁灭性的,可以预防一点点谨慎(劳伦斯,保罗·R。、&诺瑞亚尼,2002)。这次飞机失事主要是可怜的飞行员的飞行术的结果。领导和监督事故时缺乏执法质量的规章制度。有大量证据穷人的导航技术在三年的时间。

Basics of Leadership

According to the Retired Major General Perry Smith, a leader is the one who makes a difference in a large and complex organization and leads people in that organization. The essay describes the failed leadership which did not meet the requirements for a command climate confronted with evidence that includes deviation from regulations and poor commands. There are several signs of these failures in commands but the case studied was Czar52 crash (Hymowitz, Carol, 2004). An interrogation into this account by AFB demonstrates numerous examples of leadership failure in senior wing aviator. This accident happened on June24, 1994 when Czar52 was practicing manoeuvres an upcoming show. The profile planned by the aircrew at wing commander level exceeded the regulatory limitations grossly. When preparing for the land after the end of practice session, they were supposed to perform a go-around session since there was another aircraft at the runaway. The crew tried to take left turn at the mid-field. The aircraft crashed while in approximately half way through the turn and there were no survivors at all from the aircrew. All these accidents are devastating and can be prevented with a little bit of caution (Lawrence, Paul R., & Nohria, Nitin, 2002). The plane crash was primarily a result of poor airmanship of the pilot. The leadership and the supervision at the time of accident lacked the qualities of enforcement of the rules and regulations. There was considerable evidence of the poor airmanship over three years of time.
