

  本篇論文代寫-氣候變化討論了預測的氣候變化對住房的影響。SA需要一個規劃和土地利用戰略來應對氣候變化問題。目前,人們注意到,澳大利亞的森林砍伐是淨的,這意味着與正在重新種植和恢復的土地相比,有更多的土地被砍伐以供使用。每分鐘大約建造20個住宅小區,以滿足人口爆炸的需要,這導致了生物多樣性的喪失。從長期來看,森林砍伐對氣候變化有重大影響。本篇論文代寫文章由新西蘭第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  Climate Change

  The predicted climate changes are discussed as to how they have an impact on housing. SA needs a planning and land use strategy to face the issues of climate change. At present, it is noted that Australia has net deforestation which means more land is cleared for use compared to the ones being replanted and restored. About 20 housing blocks are being created per minute to cater to an exploding population and these results in biodiversity loss. Deforestation has a significant impact on climate change in a longer-term way. Short term effects include heat waves and dust storms, the effects of which have been observed in more current times, in the form of deaths because of wheezing and other respiratory difficulties. It is not only humans that are threatened, for instance how ecosystems and thus native species are threatened. Land use planning in this context has to aim at conservation attempts in clearance. Deforestation not only reduces the trees, but also leads to the death of vegetation and other Eco forms that depends on the trees. Because of climatic change, the country is already facing soil erosion and wind erosion. Environmental health concerns increasing salinity that affects water lands which are seen to arise because of improper coastal maintenance. Soil erosion can be handled only by having trees and a proper vegetation system to bind soil. Wind erosions is leading to leeching of soil nutrients and regenerating sand areas and cutting down on afforestation that adds to wind erosion effects are highly recommended. An increase in average temperature in SA also shows direct effects of warming.
