

  本篇论文代写-人力资源管理讲了双重职业人士指的是夫妻双方都从事专业工作的夫妻。这些人在经济和心理上都很满足。Halimi等人(2016)认为,这是西方工业化国家的一种现代现象。这一部分将着重于沙特阿拉伯的双重职业现象。还将讨论其与国际人力资源管理的相关性。本文将从劳动力市场的特征、劳动力市场的历史、就业法律和文化特征及其对沙特阿拉伯内部就业关系的影响等方面进行评价和分析。此外,还将提出建议,为人力资源管理工作创造积极的局面。本篇论文代写文章由新西兰第一论文Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  Dual career people involve the marital couple where both the partners work professionally. These people share financial and psychological satisfaction. As per the opinion of Halimi et al. (2016), this is a modern phenomenon in the western industrialised nation. This part will be focused on the phenomenon of the dual career in Saudi Arabia. Its relevance with the International Human Resources Management (IHRM) will also be discussed. The evaluation and analysis involved in this essay will be done based on the characteristics of the labour market, the history of labour market, employment laws and cultural characteristics and its impact on the employment relation within Saudi Arabia. Moreover, the recommendation will be provided to make positive situation for the IHRM.

  Labour Market Characteristics

  Main industrial sector within Saudi Arabia is their petroleum industry. Khalil et al. (2016) noted that this petroleum industry has demanded for low skilled labours compared to the highly skilled ones. The industries in Saudi Arabia are interested in low capital investments. Low capital investments do not allow for new physical and human capital for the organisations. It creates low level of labour productivity. In the dual labour market, there is no or little prospect for the inter-organisational promotion. In this dual labour market, the wages are set based on the market forces. As the opinion of dual labour market ignores the decisions, those are taken by the organisation in the micro-level like the cost-benefit analysis for the organisation (McGuigan, 2017). Dual labour market is interested in immigration of the people from other countries and increases the economic globalisation. It is not interested in immigrating individuals rather it is more interested in immigrating in groups of people. Now, the country is planning to expand their economy from the dependence only on the oil and gas industry. It will help in increasing opportunities in other sectors. KSA has its own human resources structure. The new planning creates more demand for dual labour.

  Sara Khoja (2016) observed that the participation of labour among two genders has big difference with labour participation rate for women are 20.2% where for men it is 77.8%. Women with a spouse visa are not allowed to work in this country and they need to apply for work permit separately. Showail, McLean Parks & Smith (2013) added that women are allowed to permit in limited sectors as per the culture and religion of the country and they should be separated from their male colleagues in the workplace. New adjusted labour law encourages women to work. Mahayni & Mahayni (2016) noted that the unemployment rate is higher among the women. The reason behind this issue is that the mega-infrastructure projects need temporary labour and do not provide permanent jobs. They believe that the women cannot be the permanent employees as they need to perform other jobs other than the job in the organisations. There are some cultural issues like people feel disgraced to work as janitors, cleaners, garbage collectors etc. Women employees do not generally want to work in these roles (Al-bakr et al. 2017). The main challenge for the dual labour market in Saudi Arabia is the decreased number of female labours.
