

  本篇論文代寫-認知行爲療法講了在另一項由Etscheidt(1991)進行的對比研究中表明,對攻擊性和行爲紊亂的青少年給予的激勵是無效的,而認知行爲療法的影響則顯示出顯著的積極影響。在另一項研究中也觀察到類似的結果(Fastov, Glenwick, and Wasserman, 1991),他們確實看到了接受認知行爲療法對行爲扭曲兒童的顯著影響。本篇論文代寫文章由新西蘭第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  In another contrasting research conducted by Etscheidt (1991) indicated that the ineffectiveness of the incentives given to aggressive and behaviourally disordered adolescents, whereas the impact of cognitive behavioural therapy had shown significant positive impacts. Similar results have also been observed in another research (Fastov, Glenwick, and Wasserman, 1991), who did see significant impacts on behaviourally distorted children when made to receive the cognitive behavioural therapy. This largely infers that cognitive behavioural therapy has been useful in many settings and extents, which is no longer harmful to consider it as a threat to be use in usual cases of aggression. The method has its own merits and demerits at times, but it has been seen to be impacting the aggression by reducing it when most required. The method, however, must be equipped with handling more settings and more subjects, thus making the suppression of anger possible. It is best when anger is subdued in early ages, among preschool and school going kids, so that it does not become one of their dominant character traits in the future. This method along with others must be regularly improved for their contents and the expectation of impacts on subjects, so that every implementation reaches closer to realise the desired objective.


  Behaviour modification methods have been in use since more than 25-30 years and are useful in various behavioural dysfunctions, originating as a result of many mental disorders and other related conditions. It has proven its positive impact in young adolescents, preschool kids, school going kids, and patients in care settings, where they have all reduced the extent of their aggression. Some impacts have been immediate and some have taken time, but the end result of observing a reduced anger and aggression is possible to achieve without question. The use of cognitive therapy is popular in terms of its impacts on a wide range of subjects. Parent training is another powerful tool which is still underestimated for its recurring impacts on subjects, and must be recommended to all parents. The methods applied are successful in meeting part of the objective, but to convert the result into a continuous and daily representation of character trait is possible when the methods are improvised on a consistent basis. Behaviour modification success manifests itself through the changed actions and anger control of subjects, and this when praised along with provision of incentives can make significant progress in reducing aggressive behaviour among all age groups.
