

  本篇論文代寫-頭髮造型師讲了分析頭髮套裝I和頭髮套裝II的髮型師的收益,可以說頭髮套裝I的manager解決方案涉及到提高生產力。而在頭髮套件II的情況下,生產力的提高並沒有考慮在內,只是簡單地延長了時間。管理者風格的有效性取決於設計師團隊。這是說,如果造型師對工作量的增加感到滿意,但對花費的總時間不滿意。那麼在這種情況下,髮套I的風格是合適的,如果花費更多的時間沒有問題,但是工作壓力是不可接受的,那麼髮套II的風格更好。本篇論文代寫文章由 新西蘭 第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  Which manager’s style do you think is most effective? Why?

  Analyzing the returns that will be for the stylists in Hair Suite I and Hair Suite II, it can be said that the solution of manager in Hair Suite I involved improving the productivity. While in case of Hair Suite II the improvement in productivity is not considered, there is simple extension of time. The effectiveness of manager’s style is dependent on the team of stylists. This is to say if the stylists are comfortable with increase in workload, but not in total hours spent. Then in that case, Hair Suite I style is suitable while if there is no issue in spending more time, but work pressure is not acceptable, then Hair Suite II style is better.

  However, considering the productivity, it can be said that overall time spent by stylists per customer is lower in case of Hair Suite I in comparison to Hair Suite II without increasing the idle time of the stylists. Apart from this, the waiting time of the customers will also reduce.

  Thus, considering all these aspects, it can be said that style of manager in Hair Suite I is better than manager in Hair Suite II in most perspectives.

  How do you think the stylists will react to the managers of salons I and II? If they are unhappy, what actions may they take?

  The stylists in both hair suites may not have any issue as their earnings will also increase. However, as mentioned above, if viewed from different perspectives, the style of manager in Hair Suite I is better than Hair Suite II. Moreover, if the stylists in Hair Suite II are not happy, then in that case the quality of service may be impacted as less time will be available for service. However, if the stylists in Hair Suite II are not happy dispute might arise amongst stylists, there will be behavioural issues that may come up.

  In Hair Suite III, if the stylists did not want to share their stations with another party, how else could they find a way to increase revenues?

  In case the stylists do not wish to share their stations, the rent of the stylists may be increased by equally dividing the revenue generated from the additional stylists onto the stylists. Thus in this way, the issue arising because of the human aspect may be handled. This may be done with prior discussions with the stylists as the need for increasing revenue from the given facilities has to be communicated, so that the same is appreciated by the stylists as well (Gray, Owen and Adams, 1996).

  Refer again to the action that the manager of Hair Suite I has chosen. How does this relate to the concept of stretch targets?

  The stretch targets refer to extra efforts being put in by the managers to achieve the high targets set by the management. Generally, the targets are set higher than the budgeted value so that extra efforts are put in by the managers. In the present case, this may not be considered as the stretch target, because the target that has been set may still be achievable. And thus, stylists do not feel the need to put in extra effort. In other words, if the target is comparable to standard time, then it will not be considered as stretch target. Further, the resource requirements are also considered while including the stretch targets. However, this can be the stretch targets as the targets have been increased without providing any additional benefit, but additional effort has to be made to achieve the targets. This viewpoint is different from the stretch targets that is considered in budgeting.
