

  本篇論文代寫-新西蘭的房地產市場講了由於房價的突然上漲和大量的無家可歸者,新西蘭的房地產市場正面臨打擊。這可能會對2017年即將到來的選舉產生巨大影響,因爲這是全國的話題,甚至在議會也有辯論。本篇論文代寫文章由新西蘭第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  New Zealand is facing a hit in property market due to sudden rise in prices and high degrees of homelessness. This could have a huge impact in the upcoming elections in 2017 as it is the talk of the country and debated even in parliament.


  The poor social policy is the reason for the housing crisis in New Zealand. This shows the inefficiency of the present state rulers.

  Supporting claims

  The prices of houses have gone too high that people are unable to afford. In addition, there seems to be a shortage of house in New Zealand as the Labour Party has declared an average growth of 40 houses per day (Duncan, 2016). This shows that the current government is unaware or unprepared for the demand of houses. People have lost their hopes on the parties and the upcoming election is supposed to give them the right to choose the most reliable and efficient party.

  Another point to support the poor social policy is the presence of rough sleepers who have complex issues (Eaqub, 2014). The state has not taken the interest to resolve their issues. This has indeed increased the percentage of homeless people.

  According to the report issued by Housing NZ, many houses demand for restructuring (Duncan, 2016). When this is identified, there is no social policy to cope with the demand to compensate during the period of reconfiguration. Moreover, the report mentions that the governments have intervened in the past to build basic and quality homes for the prices to stabilize. However, the present government has failed to take this initiative and this has led to increase in economic refugees.
