

  本篇論文代寫-亞洲航空公司市場分析讲了亞航在市場分析方面投入了大量資金,以確定可用於公司戰略發展計劃的消費趨勢。這些信息和統計數據對決定企業未來的增長起着巨大的作用,並將有助於企業在各自的行業保持穩定。重要的是要了解技術、人力資源和適當的時機都對在正確的時間做出正確的決策和享受收益起着重要作用(Davis, 2012)。投資於最新技術等因素對企業的發展和增長至關重要,因爲新技術帶來更高的效率,有助於降低成本。本篇論文代寫文章由新西蘭第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  Air Asia invests considerably towards market analysis so as to determine consumer trends which can be used towards the company’s strategic development plan. This information and statistics play a huge role towards determining the business future growth and will help the businesses remain stable in their respective industries. It’s important to understand technology, human resource and proper timing all play a major role towards making the right decisions at the right time and enjoying the benefits (Davis, 2012). Factors like investing on the latest technologies are critical towards the businesses development and growth since new technologies deliver more efficiency and help cut costs.

  Analysis of Core Competency

  There are major factors linked to a company’s success making it vital that competition, viability, and ability to make the right decision at the right moment all takes place at the precise moment. This is what determines a company’s core competencies. All the clients and employees must understand and trust the brand to deliver the highest quality at the most affordable price and ensure stability over a long term period (Robinson et al., 2016). Air Asia has developed important links with the business sector where they promise to deliver high-quality services to the companies with regard to their travel needs over an extended period of time. This allows all stakeholders to develop trust in the brand and rely on it, knowing it will delivery even during times of economic hardship.


  Unlike the past when quality was only associated with high prices, today the modern business is demonstrating that competition can also deliver high quality at very affordable prices. Brands and companies have to adopt alternative approaches, technologies and modern equipment’s to help reduce costs so as to deliver competitive services and products to the consumer. This has been due to the consumer’s remaining rigid and failing to change their perception towards traditional brands. The Air Asia airline industry is a perfect example of this revelation which other industry consumers must learn from. Today many Air Asia travellers pay half or less the price to travel by air as compared to the older airline companies. The only difference is that one may not have a reclining chair and be able to dine online but on the other hand the traveller can save considerable amounts of money. For people focusing on saving money or on a low budget, contending with these points is worthwhile since they can travel at a fraction of what it would have cost traveling on luxury airlines.
