

  本篇论文代写-职业道德计划讲了职业道德计划帮助个人面对好的或坏的现实。个人对负责任的决策有信心。职业道德项目确保了负责任的决策。处理职业道德项目的成本要比处理由于错误决策而产生的成本要好。本篇论文代写文章由新西兰第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  Workplace ethics program prepares individuals to face good or bad reality. Individual feels confident in responsible decision making. Workplace ethics programs ensure responsible decision making. It is better to deal with the cost of workplace ethics programs than cost arising due to wrong decision making.

  Workplace ethics program ensures responsible decision making and alignment with organizational value. Workplace ethics program trains all personnel about ethical policies and procedures. Workplace ethics program aligns with values and also with diversity management, strategic planning and quality management.

  A work ethic program conveys the values of company by using policies and code of ethics to guide behaviour and responsible decision making. It includes training and evaluation. Workplace ethics program constitutes of code of ethics, training employees, a means of communication for employees, reporting mechanism, audit system and the investigation system. There are two strategies of workplace ethics program – compliance strategy and integrity strategy. The integrity strategies are developed to support right action. It communicates the vision and values of organization, align individual values with organizational values and rely on team. Thus, workplace ethics program develops responsible decision making and prevents ethical misconduct, develops brand image, helps in adopting new ways of doing business, etc. All these results into good relations with stakeholders such as employees, government, customers, suppliers, etc.

  Thus workplace ethic program ensures employees relate to misconduct or injustice and the company is responsible, just, honest and fair. Workplace ethic program induces a decision making in employees which is sound, can protect safety, promote health, follow laws and guidelines and show respect to others. Workplace ethics program trains all personnel about ethical policies and procedures. Workplace ethics program prepares individuals to face good or bad reality. The benefit is that company builds an image among employees and other stakeholder that company is fair and responsible.
