


可以回答的问题通过直接观察和询问别人,在这种情况下,主要的研究是有用的。当一个人希望了解一个特定的问题,没有丰富的公布的数据,然后主要研究是有用的。这可能是因为研究的事实,这不是一般(Linhorst 2002)。它也可能是有用的,当我们正在学习怎样一个更大的问题在地方层面或当一个研究是关于当地的问题。然而,并不是每一个研究课题和问题是适合主要研究的目的。观察这一术语包括适当的记录、观察、解释和描述性分析人的行为。有两种主要类型的观察即结构化观察和参与观察(整版2008)。参与观察是着重关注行为的频率,而参与观察的重点是发现与定性行为的意义。


For the questions which could be answered by direct observation and asking others, in that case primary research is useful. When one wishes to learn about a specific problem which doesn’t have a wealth of published data, then primary research is useful. It could be because of the fact that it is not studied commonly (Linhorst 2002). It could also be useful when we are learning how a larger issue plays out at the local level or when one is studying about the local problems. However, not each and every research topic and question is appropriate for the purpose of primary research. The term observation encompasses the proper recording, observation, interpretation and descriptive analysis of the behavior of the people. There are two main kinds of observations namely structured observation and the participant observation (Creswell 2008). The participant observation is majorly concerned with the frequency of the actions, whereas the participant observation is focused on the discovery of the meaning which is attached to the qualitative actions.
Participant Observer is defined as the situation wherein the researcher makes an attempt to fully participate in the actions and lives of the subjects which gives them the opportunity to feel what is happening together with observing it. Participant observation is used in combination with various other methods and also as a principle research method. In this case the researchers tend to become fully immersed in the setting of the research (Robertson 1993). Moreover, the researchers make an attempt to learn the symbolic world of respondents by understanding the process by which the identity of an individual is reconstructed and constructed.