

  本篇paper代写-城市社会空间讲了对于如何以较低的成本提升公共空间的社会福利,作者给出了答案。大多数公共空间都是用预先设定的预算创建的。Anderson等人(2016)提出了一种有效的策略,通过适当的干预来提升公共空间的活力。研究人员对社区管理的低成本公共空间干预进行了详细研究,并给出了他们的发现。在一个城市的社会空间中,作者详细地阐述了必须通过身体的改善和充分的社会互动来创造活力。他们还讨论了使决策者和社区参与城市社会空间发展的必要性。本篇paper代写文章由新西兰第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  Urban social spaces

  Anderson, J., Ruggeri, K., & Steemers, K. (2016). ‘Lively social space, well being activity and urban design’. Environment and behaviour, 49(6), pp. 15-22.

  The source answers to the doubt on way to promote social wellbeing of a public space at low costs. Most of the public spaces are created with predefined budgets. Anderson et al (2016) presents an effective strategy to promote liveliness of a public space through suitable intervention. The researchers have given their findings after a detailed study of a public space intervention developed at low cost and managed by the community. In an urban social space, the authors have detailed that liveliness has to be created with physical improvements and sufficient social interactions. They have also discussed the need to involve policy makers and communities in the development of an urban social space. Such stakeholders can list their priorities and help the designer and urban architect to arrive at a better solution. Most importantly, the source highlights the feasibility for affordability in creating a happy space. Unlike other authors who have evaluated the public space and given their findings, the authors here have stated that happiness can be delivered at a low cost and also entirely manageable by the community itself. This helps the research to proceed further in building efficient private and public spaces.

  The urban spaces lately have looked out for better ideas at low costs to make it impressive and also interesting for its users to enjoy. The concept behind this idea is highlighted as a happy space where the urban designer and architect will have to deliver happiness with the careful evaluation of interior and exterior requirements. The authors, discussed in the previous section, have given broad perspectives on the idea of a happy space and the influence of social interaction and wellbeing in an urban space. These can formulate the research further.
