




paper代写 :有关睡眠不足的案例的讨论分析

The article initiates by providing an incidence of Elizabeth and her diagnosis which took more than 3 years (para 10). The physiological challenge that she experienced now have been managed but the article indicates that as she belongs to a society where sleep is inadequate, it is highly unlikely for her to uncover. The key theme in the article is evident from this example in the sense that it describes the negative influence of not having proper sleep (para 10). This theme is supported through several evidences wherein the author states the harmful influences of not sleeping on different population groups (para 14). Under-slept kids, for example, often have higher susceptibility to development problems and assorted issues in health which are often misdiagnosed just as in the case of Elizabeth (para 14).
As per Katherine, The problem lies in sleep even though it hardly gets diagnosed (para 15). She says even losing some sleep can result into measurable effects to accumulate (para 15). According to a study, as cited in the article, performed on young children group, it depicted cortisol related low levels. This is hormone which helps in management of pain and stress after the children missed out on their nap time (para 15). With release of more growth hormones during nap time than at any other time, the tired child’s physical development also gets influenced. Researchers have related sleep inadequacy to conditions such as gain of weight, problems of the heart, higher sugar levels, immunity compromised and issues of emotional and social nature (Para 18-20). Research has depicted furthermore that a person deprived from sleep in his initial life can influence their cognitive performance and later on in life and functioning for neuro development. This is something specifically to worry about in the case of children such as Elizabeth as indicated in the article, was someone who had problem when focusing, setting behaviors, mood control and accidents avoiding (Para 18-20). After these issues, the author moves on to explain that sleep inadequacy is spreading due to several reasons which we need to be aware of (para 19). For kids, she says, the rest is insufficient as they range from neurological issues to smart phones (Para 19).