

CRM系统在数据仓库的基础上具有关键的可靠性,以确保业务的几个功能方面(如营销、管理和其他活动)的客户数据的可用性。数据仓库可以用来描述随着新信息的不断添加而存储的大容量数据(Chen et al., 2007)。可以很容易地检索这些信息,并仅用于决策目的。跨功能方面共享客户信息使业务能够增强与每个客户的关系,并做出非常有利可图和富有成效的决策。公司应该专注于培训员工以有效的方式持续使用CRM (Deng & Li, 2008)。实现这一目标的一种方法是在各自的系统中识别和确认渴望工作或精通技术的员工。必须为员工提供适当的培训,以便在最大程度上利用CRM。

reference格式 :客户关系管理系统信息

在整个销售周期中,必须恰当地跟踪客户的行为。在销售电话之前,收集关于考虑社交媒体和识别不同信息在每个和每个渠道共享的数据(Jones & Ranchhod, 2007)。这为销售支持的适应性平台提供了范围。销售部门的代表应该跟踪最能引起共鸣的关键内容。此外,维护一致的流程变得至关重要,以便以适当的方式更新和管理客户数据。每次完成特定的工作时,将每个销售代表的注意力集中在输入客户信息上都会遇到困难(Kim & Hawamdeh, 2008)。为确保在每项工作中收集准确的数据,都提供了易于使用的应用程序。

reference格式 :客户关系管理系统信息

The system of CRM has key reliability upon a warehouse of data ensuring the availability of customer data in several functional aspects of the business like marketing, management, and other activities. Data warehouse can be considered for describing the storage of large data on capacity with the constant addition of new information (Chen et al., 2007). There can be easily retrieval of this information and are utilized solely for the purposes of decision making. Sharing information of customer across functional aspects enables the business for the enhancement of relationships with each and every customer, and making extremely profitable and productive decisions. The company should be focusing to train the employees for the consistent utilization of CRM in an effective manner (Deng & Li, 2008). One way of doing the same is the identification and acknowledgment of eager or tech savvy employees within the respective system. The employees must be provided with appropriate training for the best utilization of CRM in maximizing the results.

reference格式 :客户关系管理系统信息

The behaviour of customers has to be tracked appropriately in the entire cycle of sales. Prior to the call of sales, gathering data regarding the consideration of social media and identification of different information being shared across each and every channel (Jones & Ranchhod, 2007). This provides scope for an adaptive platform of sales enablement. The reps from sales department should be tracking the content crucial for resonating the most. It further becomes crucial to maintain a consistent process such that customer data is updated and managed in an appropriate manner. Difficulties can be faced in focusing every sales rep for entering information on customer every time specific work is done (Kim & Hawamdeh, 2008). There is provision of easy- to- use application for ensuring the collection of accurate data in every effort.
