



商业文章代写 :公司的流动比率和库存比率


商业文章代写 :公司的流动比率和库存比率

The cash flow ratio of the company indicates that over the last few years, the company’s liquid asset has been increased a lot which is an indicator of the company’s growth over the last few years. Free cash, opex and net cash have increased over the last few years as per the given table of ratios. Current ratio of the company has decreased, which means the liabilities of the company have increased than its assets in last four years. The quick ratio of the company has also decreased in comparison to the last 4 yours means the liquidity of the company is decreasing in respect to the time. The company’s leverage ratio before 2015 reduced than last year but after 2015, the leverage ratio increased, this indicates that the company has asked for more debts to run its operations. Debt to Equity ratio has decreased, which means the company has taken more secured or unsecured loans than selling its equity.

商业文章代写 :公司的流动比率和库存比率

The inventory ratio of the company indicates that after year 2015, the company’s inventory is sold on time as it was happening earlier. This means the company’s inventory is pending to be sold. The assets of the company have increased than previous years. The company’s revenue, operating income, net income and earnings per share has increased but at same time the expenses, debt and financial leverage in the company has increased that overall made the company’s growth in negative. The liabilities over the time have increased in comparison to the assets.