商业文章代写 :商务沟通技巧


商业文章代写 :商务沟通技巧

管理的要素可以分为五个。第一是公司的首要目标和计划,第二是组织,第三是指挥要素,协调和控制是四五个要素。对于每一个要素,都应该有一个顺畅的对话流程(耶茨和奥里科夫斯基,1992)。有效的组织沟通可以提高公司的生产力。需要考虑的重要因素是一个人的文化。为此,Hall和Hofestede设计了许多工具和技术。他们的文化模式可以作为了解一个人的线索。Hofestede culture model是一个可以用来详细了解一个人的有效工具(Hofstede, Hofstede and Minkov, 1991)。在这段时间里,应该进行有效的沟通,从而提高公司的整体效率,并减少团队成员之间可能出现的摩擦。为了改善沟通,组织会采取一些措施来促进沟通,确保公司有一个良好的氛围。主持人在对话或会议期间的作用应该是增加信息的共享。给员工充分的空间表达自己的观点,并反思他们对公司其他人的了解。


由此可见,组织沟通的重要性,企业在沟通时需要有一个结构。他们需要确保有适当的沟通渠道和明确的沟通方式(Goldhaber, 1993)。即使每个公司都有某种形式的沟通,他们也应该确保有适当的沟通。当参与对话的人努力理解对话中的另一个人时,这是最好的(Mumby, 2012)。他们应该了解他们的文化,同时不要基于他们的文化对人们进行刻板印象(Downs and Adrian, 2012;汤普森,2013)。应该有足够的空间,人们的身体语言应该是开放的,接受所宣称的新思想。为了提高工作效率,我会努力去了解这个人的文化,并且在人们说话的时候认真倾听。这是一个持续改进的过程,在这个过程中,公司和员工将一起工作。

商业文章代写 :商务沟通技巧

Elements of a management can be divided into five. First is the primary objective and a plan for the company, second is the organization, third is the command element, coordination and control are the four and five elements. For each of these elements there should be a smooth flow of conversation (Yates and Orlikowski, 1992). Effective organizational communication can lead to better productivity of the company. Important factor that needs to be considered is culture of a person. For this there are a number of tools and techniques devised by Hall and Hofestede. Their culture models can be used as cues to understand about the person. Hofestede culture model is an efficient tool that can be used to understand about a person in detail (Hofstede, Hofstede and Minkov, 1991). During these times there should be effective communication that would lead to the overall efficiency of the company and also reduce any possible friction between the team members. To improve the communication, organizations take a number of efforts to promote the communication and ensure a good atmosphere for the company. The role of the facilitator in the conversation or during the meetings should be to increase sharing of information. Giving ample space for the members to voice their opinion and reflecting on what they have learnt about the other person in the company.
This was found to be especially true, in the previous company where I worked the manager used to state what should be done and there was continuous micro managing of how the work was done. This leads to a feeling of stress and anxiety. In the new company where I worked there were a lot more efforts given to by the company to ensure that the employee voice were being heard. One day when I was working I was told to complete a particular task, which coming from a different culture I did not know how to approach the manager because the power distance index in my country is high. Also I liked working and succeeding as a team rather than focus on my development alone. The manager seemed to understand this and helped me through the issue. I appreciated the efforts were being made to understand my culture. This made me become more productive and there was an overall positive feeling. I trusted other people working in my team and they in turn trusted me. This leads to a positive spiralling of events.
From this reflection, the importance of organizational communication, companies need to have a structure while communicating. They need to ensure that there is a proper channel of communication and a definitive style of communication (Goldhaber, 1993). Even though every company has some form of communication they should ensure that there is a proper communication. This is best achieved when the people who are involved in the conversation make an effort to understand the other person in the conversation (Mumby, 2012). They should understand their culture and at the same time not stereotype people based on their culture (Downs and Adrian, 2012; Thompson, 2013). There should be ample space and the body language of the people should be open and receptive to the newer ideas professed. Going forward to be effective I will take efforts to understand about the culture of the person and also really listen whenever people talks. This is a continual improvement process where the company and the employee will work together.