


政府可为供水基础设施的重组作出巨额开支。加纳的供水管道严重短缺。政府应该为国内生产更多管道的管道制造商提供激励。此外,它还可以降低管道进口关税,以吸引国际企业在中国供应管道。在这个国家的供水问题背后有很多原因。现有基础设施下的配电网管理不善,运行效率低下。此外,由于该区域人口规模的不同,不同地点的需水量也不同。在其他情况下,水受到污染,受影响的地区没有水处理机制(肖,R。,2012)。目前的基础设施没有能力满足人口增长的需要。应该在全国建立越来越多的废水管理系统(Blahnik, B。、McGillivray年代。普拉萨德,S。苏,H。,2013)。全国各地都应该实施适当的废水处理系统。基础设施将需要巨额投资,应通过债务和股票的混合筹集资金,为重组计划提供资金。改组将包括从水处理程序中取消效率低下和无效的程序。政府应重视供水管道的清洁,在缺水地区新建管道。应该用最新的技术升级水处理厂,以便在全国范围内提供安全、清洁的水。根据全国各地人民的需要,编制饮用水管网路线图,进行饮用水分配。重组将主要通过更新技术系统、增加人力和资金分配来实现供水管道的清洁(Egan, M, 2014)。



申请文书 :供水基础设施的重组建议

The government can make huge expenditures for restructuring of water supply infrastructural facilities. There is acute shortage of pipes in Ghana for water supply proposes. The government should offer incentives to pipes manufactures for production of more pipes in the country. Alternatively, it can reduce import duty on pipes for attracting international players’ pipe supply in the country. There are various reasons behind water supply problem in the country. The distribution network under current infrastructure facilities is not well managed and runs ineffectively. Moreover, water demand varies in different locations due to variations in population size of the region. In other cases, water is polluted and affected areas do not have water treatment mechanism (Shaw, R., 2012). Current infrastructure does not have the capacity to meet requirements of increasing population. Increasing number of waste water management systems should be set up throughout the country (Blahnik, B., McGillivray, S., Prasad, S., Su, H., 2013). Proper waste water disposal system should be implemented in all parts of the country. Infrastructural facilities would require huge investments and funds should be raised through mix of debt and equity for funding the restructuring program. Restructuring would involve removal of inefficient and ineffective processes from water treatment procedures. The government should lay emphasis on cleanliness of water supply pipes and set up new pipeline in water deficient areas. Water treatment plants should be upgraded with latest technologies for delivery of safe and clean water across the country. A road map for water pipeline network should be prepared for distribution of drinking water according to people needs in various parts of the country. Restructuring would be done primarily through updating of technological systems, increasing manpower and monetary allocation for cleanliness of water supply pipelines (Egan, M., 2014).
Out of three methods, the government should opt for restructuring of existing infrastructural facilities for solving water supply problem. This method is far easy to implement with retention of ownership rights in hands of government. Under technological options, the government may find it difficult to implement the water treatment process on a massive scale for catering demand of people living in the country. On the other hand, privatization might resolve water supply problem in the medium term. However, execution risk and profit orientation in the long run may have an adverse impact on water treatment process and distribution of clean water. In restructuring of existing infrastructural facilities, the government would need to make plans and modify the water treatment process for resolving water supply problem.
Water is an essential requirement for living creatures. Developing countries have been severe victims of acute shortage of safe drinking water in the country. The government of Ghana should take all possible measures for resolving water supply problem in the country. Public private partnership, joint alliances, increased awareness about importance of water among citizens should be promoted.