



Biological Evolution

Biological evolution is defined as the continuing process in which there is an alteration in the genetic characteristics of a person or an animal or any other living being. Biological evolution is a very slow process and it takes time for the changes to be visible. It used to happen in the successive generations. When this process is completed it is known as reproductive success. It can be caused by natural process, inbreeding, reproduction isolation or mutation.Natural selection is the degree of difference in existence and reproduction of entities with some characters. Natural selection acts on visible characteristics of organism. Reproductive isolation is a kind of system of various barriers which make sure that the entities of two different species do not mate to produce offspring (Koonin, 2011).
There is a theory which proved to be the most debatable concept in the area of sociology which is known as Social Darwinism. According to this theory the social evolution of the society is possible only if there will be competition among them and hence comes the concept of survival of the fittest. The one who is stronger have right to survive and the weaker person must die. This theory in my opinion is fine if it does not go to its extreme cases. The major fallacy of this theory was that it presumes all the natural things are morally right (Hodgson & Knudsen, 2010). It believes that anything which happens in nature, it is the moral duty of an individual to follow it.