

每个经理都有其独特的领导风格,他将质量组织生产,以得到最好的。一些的领导风格与给定如下阐述;这种形式的领导风格创建严格的发号施令的人之间的分歧和人跟随他们。这种形式的领导风格主要是发现在情况唯一的权力决定与单人背心。他的领导风格是面向任务的工作慢跑。在这种领导风格经理为员工和员工设定目标和刺激时间来完成这一目标。这种领导风格也称为X理论(皮特,Handford &凯斯特,2012)。遵循这种领导风格的管理者不允许他人做出自己的决定。的现状可以发现这种形式的领导在Autoelectric公司员工无权贡献自己的观点前的管理委员会。这种领导风格是更有效的与独裁者的领导风格。民主党领袖总是想工作在和谐与总是听下属和决策依据。民主党领导人提供指导团队成员,寻求他们对决策的输入。这种领导风格是面向关系的形式,这种形式的领导人把他们的团队不仅自己前面。他把他们的团队成员的角度在委员会面前,总是给下属在管理面前说话的机会。Battricar这种形式的领导看到,这家公司的老板和经理很友好和听到他们的团队成员采取任何决定之前。,还没有看到在Autoelectric公司作为他们的经理相信唯一的决策在公司的地位。这一理论开发的动机是要理解人类动机,个人发展和管理培训。这一理论认为人类需求的一个重要因素,决定公司的性能。有五个层次的人类需要划分为生理需求——空气、食物、饮料、住所、温暖、性别、睡眠、等安全需求,保护从元素,安全,秩序,法律,限制,稳定,等等。爱和归属感的需要——集团工作,家庭,感情,关系等。


Every manager has its unique quality of leadership style that he puts in the organization production to get the best out of it. Some of leadership style with the connection with given case is elaborated below; This form of leadership style creates strict divisions between people who are giving orders and people who tend to follow them. This form of leadership style is mainly found in situation where the sole power to take decision vest with the single person. His leadership style is task oriented as well job cantered. In this leadership style manager set goal for employees and employees have to complete that goal with the stimulated time period. This leadership style is also referred as Theory X (Pitt, Handford & Koester, 2012). Managers who follow this leadership style do not allow others to take their own decisions. In the present situation this form of leadership can be found in the Autoelectric Company as employees have no power to contribute their own viewpoints in front of the management committee. This leadership style is more effective as compare to autocrat leadership style. Democratic leader always wants to work in harmony and always listen to their subordinates and take decision according. Democratic leaders offer guidance to their team members and seek their input on making decisions. This form of leadership style is relation oriented as this form of leaders take their team ahead not only himself. He puts the view of their team members in front of committee and always give chance to subordinates to speak in front of management. This form of leadership is seen in Battricar, as the owner and managers of this company are quite friendly and hear their team member before taking any decision. While, it has not been seen in Autoelectric Company as their mangers believe in sole decision making position in the company. This theory of motivation is developed to understand human motivation, personal development and management training. This theory considers the human needs as an important factor that decides the performance of company. There are five of level of human needs that are divided as Physiological needs – air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, etc. Safety needs – protection from elements, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc. Belongingness and Love needs – work group, family, affection, relationships, etc.
