SWOT分析帮助组织了解业务工作的环境。这种分析是由阿尔伯特·汉弗莱,在1960年代末。SWOT分析是由公司来衡量或评估其S -优势,W -弱点,O -机遇和T -威胁。因此,这个名字SWOT分析。它帮助组织找到它的内部和外部因素是什么适合和不适合这家公司。


Strategic position of an organization is the position which the organization frames for its future. This is done by keeping in mind the current position of the company and the impact of such strategic implementation on the future of the company. The organization on the basis of its past and present outcomes tries to analyze it does plan its future outcomes. For this the organization takes into account the SWOT analysis.
SWOT analysis helps the organization to understand the environment in which the business is working. This analysis was developed by Albert Humphrey, in the late 1960s. SWOT analysis is undertaken by a company to measure or evaluate its S – strengths, W – weakness, O – opportunities and T – threats. And thus, this analysis is names SWOT. It helps the organization to find out what are its internal and external factors which are suitable and unsuitable for the company.
