



turnitin查重 :选择营养食物的因素分析


turnitin查重 :选择营养食物的因素分析

Highest rates of obesity have been found in the lower income groups where the poverty rates are high. There has been commercialization of the food industry. The organic healthy foods are priced higher or at least appear to the lower income group. They tend to choose foods that are cheaper as their disposable income is lower. The disposable income of the people plays an important role in the determination of food choices. But lack of knowledge of the food science is the reason that the people assume that the healthier foods costs more. This makes them choose non-nutritional foods that are palatable, aesthetically pleasing and cheaper in the aisle. The role of the media about the foods also plays an important role in the determination.

turnitin查重 :选择营养食物的因素分析

Two factors that make a person choose a particular food product in the aisle is based on commercial media promotions and disposable incomes of the people. Based on Bronfenbrenner (1979), the media represents the macro environment. This is run by the neo liberalization policies without having any ethical concerns. These should be regulated by the government. These high calorie food products with no real nutritional value are promoted as fun, cheap products to the public there is no or very little mention of the nutritional content. The people in the lower economic groups are tempted to buy these products based on the fact that they are cheaper, visibly pleasing and the macro environmental factors are dictates that these foods are cheaper. This makes them choose this particular food. Essentially the media plays to the hedonistic behaviour of the people and the apparent perception of the people in the lower income groups makes them choose a product that is easily accessible and cheap in the aisle.