

微软提供了一个广泛的产品,在市场上几乎没有什么可用的替代品。但是,谈论公司的核心产品,如操作系统、Ms-office软件包,Internet explorer,SharePoint,等),有较低的替代品的威胁。即使有一些产品在市场上的苹果,Linux,消费者总是喜欢女士产品由于价格低可用性和易于访问。公司拥有非常低的业内人士对其操作系统的威胁。公司拥有标准化的行业成功依赖微软产品,同时为其竞争对手决策过程。这种情况使得一个真正没有亲密的替代品。
Microsoft offers a broader range of products and there few substitutes are available in the market. But, talking about the company’s core products such as operating systems, Ms-office software package, Internet explorer, SharePoint, etc), there are low threat of substitutes. Even if there are some products in the market by Apple, Linux, consumers always prefer for MS products due to the low price availability and easy to access. Company has very low threat in the industry for its Operating systems. Company has standardized the industry successfully to rely on Microsoft products while decision making process for its competitors. This situation makes a real no close substitutes.