


烹飪風格一直是旅遊業的一個重要方面。遊客來自世界各地,試圖了解當地的文化。理解文化的一個重要因素是食物。飲料和食物是一種混合物,可以喚醒身體的所有感官。美食學鼓勵個體參與烹飪的各個方面(Sormaz et al., 2016)。近年來,與食品相關的旅遊業出現了天文數字般的增長。美食節、品酒會和烹飪經驗變得越來越重要。美食學的領域並不局限於精加工。由於糧食及其準備工作,農村和區域經濟出現了復興。

寫影評的技巧 :烹飪美食對旅遊業的影響


有人建議弗萊明頓市場應該增加營業時間。在社交媒體上應該有更多的廣告和門戶網站,讓消費者了解這個地方。營養價值的重要性應該在這些市場中得到解釋(Sanchez-Canizares和Lopez-Guzman, 2012)。


寫影評的技巧 :烹飪美食對旅遊業的影響

Culinary style has always been an important aspect of tourism. The tourist come from different parts of the world and try to understand the culture of the local place. One of the important factors in understanding the culture is food. Beverages and food items are a mixture that arouses all the senses of the body. Gastronomy urges the individuals to get involved in the aspects of cooking (Sormaz et al., 2016). In the recent years there has been astronomical growth in food related tourism. Food festivals and wine tasting trails and the experience of cooking is gaining a lot of importance. The field of gastronomy is not limited to fine fining. There is a regeneration of the rural and regional economics owing to food and its preparation.

寫影評的技巧 :烹飪美食對旅遊業的影響

In the current globalized world, there is a strong relationship that exists between the food and gastronomy. Authenticity and innovation has been widely respected by the people. The role of gastronomy and tourism needs to be explored as they aid in understanding the science, technology, human relationship, innovation and also give renewed importance to health. There is a need for in- depth comprehensive look into local culinary style and its impact on tourism. The purpose of this report is to understand the importance of gastronomy and its impact on local tourism. To understand the dynamics of the relationship between gastronomy and tourism, personal experience has been documented. For this purpose, the Gold Leaf Restaurant in Sunshine and Flemington farmers market has been explored.
It has been recommended that the Flemington market should increase its hours of operation. There should be more advertising and portals in the social media for the consumers to gain awareness of the place. The importance of nutritional goodness should be explained in these markets (Sánchez-Cañizares, and López-Guzmán, 2012).
The Chinese food has its own distinctive flavors. They should also incorporate a new innovative dish that represents the cultural integration of the place. They need to show newer dimensions in their menus.