

  本篇新西兰论文代写-辅导计划讲了XYZ Plc需要一个辅导计划,以克服损失,并在媒体领域的市场产生更好的声誉。本报告的目的是根据辅导项目的效率来研究和确定合适的辅导需求。我也很高兴地告诉大家,这项任务让我更好地理解了辅导项目的重要性。可以理解,就实践和结果而言,指导与指导是完全不同的。本篇新西兰论文代写文章由新西兰第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

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  Warm welcome to everyone! XYZ Plc is in need of a mentoring program to overcome the losses and yield a better reputation in the market in the media field. This presentation is meant to study and identify suitable needs for mentoring program based on their efficiency. It also gives me pleasure to inform that this task has ignited me to understand better about the significance of mentoring programs. It is understood that coaching is entirely different from mentoring in terms of practices and their results.

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  The literature analysis performed to understand the efficacy of mentoring programs has highlighted the need in today’s business organizations. The reason is that mentoring programs guarantee and enrich the productivity and reduce employee turnover. As stated, there are still some more reasons that I would like to mention.

  Mentoring programs encourage better resource allocation and alignment of business processes with the organizational goals. The structure of organization gains a better shape when every person is aware of the role and responsibility.

  In other words, a mentoring program enhances the trust between employees as well as interpersonal communication.
