


风险管理是了解企业敏捷性的一个重要方面,而且风险管理将对企业产生非常直接的影响。在这一背景下,通过研究已经确定中小企业能够更好的管理风险。资源的组合将有助于企业。企业之间的联系将会更加紧密,也会得到个人信息。这将帮助企业获得更多的风险信息。他们能够更好地在持续风险的背景下保持平衡,也能够从更长远的角度利用机会(Brettel & Friederichsen, 2014)。在风险管理方面,企业不应该四处寻找能力;公司的网络系统必须使其自身能够增加其机会。智能技术将在这方面发挥作用,因为它们将使协作网络成为可能,从而更好地理解市场的波动性。由于使用工业4.0技术引入的产品生命周期缩短,使得企业能够有效地适应波动。

人们已经注意到,为了遵循精益生产流程,当前的制造业是高度解耦的。流程解耦有助于业务根据需要以更灵活的方式在它们之间切换。De Souza等人(2008)的研究发现,大多数需要敏捷生产和制造能力的制造企业之所以这样做,是因为他们的客户需要灵活性。智能对象的使用使该技术更加模块化和灵活。满足客户需求的方式更加个性化。智能对象是智能技术和支持系统对该技术运行的需求的混合体。应用于制造业作为基础设施,可以更好地处理系统的复杂过程。De Souza等人(2008)提出了一种集成这些过程的方法。因此,建议Swift解决方案使用这种形式的智能解耦技术,这有助于使制造更加灵活和敏捷。Socrades系统是通用系统的一种形式,Swift系统的系统和流程的构建应基于类似的灵活性要求。这种方式也保证了敏捷性。然而,为了实现这种过程解耦状态,有时需要在空间上分离一些生产过程。一些比较传统的或高度优先的基本生产过程将在生产现场实施,另一些可以实施或外包给其他机构。虽然这种脱钩将为企业提供许多机遇,但也将带来有效沟通形式的挑战。在不同地点协调生产的同时,必须有适当的合作,以便增加信息和产品的转让。公司还必须与网络公司的不同部门建立联系。在这种情况下,制造企业将没有其他选择,而是开发他们的智能技术。只有到那时,他们才能真正从他们的制造部门所需要的精益和敏捷方法中获益。作为组织变革过程的一部分,咨询公司想开发迅速解决方案咨询与各种生产和服务组织工作,现在正在向他们现有的工作实践智能技术的使用,4.0产业和互联网将帮助咨询公司以高效的方式为客户提供服务。“先进制造”一词在当前情况下使用得更多,以显示制造业如何利用技术和相关变化的更广泛方面。所做的一些更改涉及PLM产品生命周期管理、ERP企业资源规划、MES制造执行系统等等。


Risk management is an important aspect when it comes to understand agility of an enterprise, and also, the management of risk will have a very direct impact on the company. In this context, it has been established by means of research that small and medium scale enterprise would be able to manage risks better. The combination of resources will help businesses. The businesses will be more interconnected and will also be individually informed. This would help the business to become more risk informed. They can balance better in the context of an ongoing risk, and would also be able to take advantage of opportunities in a longer term perspective (Brettel & Friederichsen, 2014). In risk management, companies should not have to scrounge for capabilities; the networked system of the company must by itself enable it to multiply its opportunities. The Smart technologies would be useful here as they will enable collaborative networks where the volatile nature of markets could be understood better. Because of the shortened product lifecycle that is introduced by the use of Industry 4.0 technologies, it would become possible for the companies to adjust to volatility in an efficient manner.
It has been noticed that manufacturing industries in current times are highly decoupled in order to follow lean manufacturing processes. The process decoupled helps businesses to switch between them as per need in a more flexible fashion. As noticed in the research of De Souza et al (2008), most manufacturing companies that require agile production and manufacturing capability do so because of their customer need for flexibility. The use of smart objects here enables the technology to be more modular and more flexible. Customer demands are met in a more customized way. Smart objects are a mix of intelligent technologies and the support systems needs for the technology to operate. Applied in manufacturing as an infrastructure, complex processes of the system can be handled better. The authors De Souza et al (2008) present for a way to integrate these processes. It is hence recommended to Swift solutions that they make use of this form of a smart decoupled technology which can help make manufacturing more flexible and agile. The Socrades system is a form of generic system and the system and processes of Swift systems should be built based on similar requirement for flexibility. This way agility will also be assured here. However, in order to achieve this process decoupled state, it would be necessary to spatially separate some production processes sometimes. Some of the more traditional or highly prioritized and basic manufacturing processes would be implemented in the manufacturing site location and the other could be implemented or outsourced to other agencies. While this decoupling will offer many opportunities for the companies, it will also offer challenges in the form of effective communication. While production is being coordinated across different sites, there must be proper collaboration in order to increase the transfer of information and of product. Companies would also have to connect with different departments of their networking company. In such cases, the manufacturing companies would not have oher choices, but to develop their Smart technologies. Only then they will be able to truly reap the benefits of the lean and agile methods that they want in their manufacturing divisions. As part of the organizational change process, the consultancy wants to develop Swift Solutions Consultancy have been working with various manufacturing and service organisations and now are moving towards their existing work practices The use of Smart Technology, Industry 4.0 and the Internet will help the consultancy company to provide services to its clients in an efficient manner. The term ‘advanced manufacturing’ is more often used in current situations to show how manufacturing industry makes use of the broader aspects of technology and related changes. Some of the changes made are in the context of PLM Product Lifecycle Management, ERP Enterprise Resource Planning, MES Manufacturing Execution Systems and more.