新西兰代写assignment 日本的低出生率

In “the Effects of the Low Birth Rate on the Japanese Social Security System, Tetsuo Fukawa used 6 countries as the sampling units. The 6 countries are:
• United States of America.
• France.
• Sweden.
• Germany.
• United Kingdom and
• Japan.

In “the Japan Economic Currents: A Commentary on Economic and Business trends” Takashi Oshio has used the Japan country as the sampling unit.

It is very much clear from the evaluation of the research papers by names “Expert Group Meeting on policy responses to population ageing and population decline” by, Yukiko Katsumata, “Policy Response to Declining Birth Rate in Japan: Formation of a “Gender-Equal” Society” by Yuki W P Heun, “The Effects of the Low Birth Rate on the Japanese Social Security System by Tetsuo Fukawa and “The Japan Economic Currents: A Commentary on Economic and Business trends” by Takashi Oshio that there is a great impact on social security and labor policies created by decline in the birth rate of Japan and the government is taking appropriate steps to address issues related to social security.









这是非常清楚的名称“专家组会议研究论文的评价政策应对人口老龄化和人口下降”,雪子胜,”在日本的出生率不断下降,政策反应:由Yuki W P Heun形成一个“性别平等”的社会”,“铁雄布川”日本经济电流对日本社会保障制度的低出生率的影响:一个评论对经济和商业趋势”的Takashi押尾有很大的影响,社会保障和劳动在日本出生率下降和政府产生的政策,采取适当的措施解决有关社会保障问题。
