

信息效率意味着,利用这一前提的投资者将明白,在任何时候,市场或投资组合管理并不一定会带来长期一致的收益率。产量的一致性将会不同。如果市场价格是股票内在价格的一个指标,就没有理由相信会有过高的回报(Chan, 2009;Ratner & Leal, 1999)。

另一方面,这种形式的信息效率影响是量化交易所面临的挑战。在量化交易的背景下,交易策略实际上更多地是通过数学和智能技术的力量强制执行的,可以说交易者模型本身将以一种不同的方式看待信息效率。在量化交易模型中,模型是什么将向人们发出信号,告诉他们必须买什么、在哪里买、在哪里卖等等。因此,在定量交易的背景下,与交易相关的信息处理将成为纯粹的启发式和算法处理之一。人类的情感将不再占据投资的任何位置(Grinblatt, Titman, and Wermers, 1995)。

因此,如果一个个人或企业使用一个量化交易系统,在这个系统中,这个人运行着这个量化交易系统,并且能够基于仔细的选择来评估股票(Aldridge, 2009;Hirshleifer等人,1994)。假设量化交易系统有如此多的变量和类别被锁定在其中,比如收益估计、选择性时期的财务预测等等,那么就有可能根据这些选定的变量和输入,给出一个输出。该系统将经过智能训练,以便能够尽可能接近人类投资者和人类投资者的行为,尽管人类投资者的缺点。这里增加了一种形式的效率,这是现有市场组合技术所不能比拟的。

量化交易常常受到活跃交易的投资者青睐,这是有原因的。上下文中的活跃交易投资者总是寻找方法来平衡交易平台,迅速做出决策的决定但保证他们回报,还想保留职位所有短的时间内,不仅最终的长期回报。在这种背景下,可以说定量交易策略对人们来说是非常有效的(Rosenberg, et al, 1985)。定量交易之所以流行,是因为行为金融学在当今时代变得越来越重要。行为金融学是一种利用心理学原理来确定如何在问题情境下纠正决策过程的金融学。例如,在简单来回答一个问题如何变化,基于框架的问题,答案可能会变得更加有偏见,或者在一个消极的框架将成为不同于积极的框架,反之亦然(唐&李,2007)。其次,人类被认为是非理性的决策者。投资者必须在市场中理性行事,但情况并非总是如此。人们经常看到,买家最终将购买股票期权,因为他们相信这将导致一个清算市场价格。买受人是理性的,在拥有积极的信息在股票然后他们会放置一个出价高估值的股票,另一方面非理性投资者可能仍在购买,这将导致市场效率问题对每个人(Bessembinder·赛甘·,1993)。

新西兰代写价格 :量化交易策略

Information efficiency means that an investor that makes use of this premise will understand that any time the market nor the portfolio management would not necessarily result in yields over time that are consistent. The consistency in the yields will be different. Where the market price is an indication of the intrinsic price of the stock there can be no reason to believe there will be excessive returns (Chan, 2009; Ratner & Leal, 1999).
On the other hand, this form of information efficiency impact is what is challenged in Quantitative Trading. In the context of Quantitative Trading where the trading strategy is actually run more by the strength of mathematics and intelligence coerced technology for a purpose, it can be said that the trader model will be itself view information efficiency in a different way. In a Quantitative Trading model, the model is what will signal to the human as to what they have to buy, where to buy, sell and more. In the context of Quantitative Trading it is therefore understood that the information processing related to trading will become one of pure heuristics and algorithmic processing. Human emotions will no longer occupy any place in investing (Grinblatt, Titman, and Wermers, 1995).
So if an individual or a business makes use of a Quantitative Trading system where the person runs the Quantitative Trading system and is able to assess stocks based on a careful selection (Aldridge, 2009; Hirshleifer, et al, 1994). Assuming the Quantitative Trading system has so many variables and categories locked into it such as that of earning estimates, financial forecast over a selective period and more, then it could so happen that based on each of these selected variables and the inputs, an output is given. The system would be intelligently trained so that it is able to match as close as possible a human investor and actions albeit the negative points of a human investor. Here a form of efficiency is added that cannot be matched by that of existing market portfolio techniques.
There is a reason why Quantitative Trading is often preferred by investors who are involved in active trading. In the context of active trading investors are always finding for ways to balance the trading platform, make quick decision but at the same decisions that guarantee them returns and also want to retain positions across all shorter period of time as well and not just the final long term return. In this context it can hence be said that the Quantitative Trading strategy is thus very efficient for people (Rosenberg, et al, 1985). The reason for the popularity of Quantitative Trading is because of behavioral finance becoming more significant in current times. Behavioral finance is a form of finance where the principles in psychology are also made use of in order to identify how decision making process in the context of issues could be rectified. For instance, in as simple as how a question is framed the answer might change, based on the framing of the question it was possible that the answers might either become more biased, or in the case of a negative framing will become different from the positive framing and vice versa (Tang & Li, 2007). Secondly humans are considered as being irrational decision makers. Investors must act rationally in a market however this is not the case always. It is often seen that buyers will end up placing a purchase on a stock option because they believe that this will lead to a clearing market price. Where the buyer is rational, when in the possession of positive information on the stock then they would be placing a bid on high valued stock, on the other hand the irrational investor might still be buying and this will lead to problems of market efficiency for everybody (Bessembinder, and Seguin, 1993).
