分类: 代写论文



  本篇新西兰代写-生理唤起和吸引力讲了刚过吊桥的男性参与者比那些有机会休息的人更容易与女性接触。这些男性,在与女性接触后,也做了同样的事情,因为他们的性唤起被错误地归因了。他们认为这是过桥后遇到的女人对他们的性吸引力。他们没有意识到他们的反应是由于他们在过桥时产生的恐惧,那是一座悬索桥。这种觉醒很明显是他们的觉醒被错误归因的标志。本篇新西兰代写文章由新西兰第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  The results of this experiment were that the males’ participants, who had just crossed the suspension bridge, contacted the woman more than the people who had a chance to rest. These men, who contacted the women, did the same because of misattribution of their arousal. They thought that it was sexual attraction towards the women that they had met after crossing the bridge. They fail to reckon that their reaction was due to the fear which had built in, in them while crossing the bridge, which was a suspension bridge. The arousal has clearly been a sign of misattribution of their arousal.

  Ambiguity and misattribution of arousal

  This concept can also be proven by making the people indulge in physical activities like jumping jacks or running and then giving them pictures, and ask them to rate the attractiveness of the pictures. The males were given pictures of females and vice versa. It was seen that people who did not indulge in the physical activities that doing the pictures to be least attractive. And the physical arousal in them was the least whereas people who were shown pictures after they had been asked to indulge in jumping jacks rated the pictures differently. The next step of the experiment was that the same people were asked to continue with the jumping jacks and were asked to do 30 instead of 20 which meant more physical exercise. When data between people with 20 jumping jacks and 30 jumping jacks were compared, the results showed variation even though it was minute in nature. The graphs and the mean statistical data prove the same which has been presented (Morris & Rottenberg, 2015).
