新西兰代写-Smoking is prohibited in public places


新西兰代写-Smoking is prohibited in public places。When one hears the word ‘smoking’ it automatically repulses the mind of a non-smoker, whereas it hardly makes a difference to the smoker because smoking happens to be a part of his or her daily life. Smoking basically is the act of taking in harmful substances in a particular way, that is, a substance is burnt and the smoke produced by it is taken in, inhaled and it ultimately gets absorbed in the bloodstream. Commonly the act of smoking involves the smoking of cigarette which is nothing but dried leaves of a tobacco planet rolled up in a rice paper in the form of a cylinder. Other forms of smoking involve ‘pipes, cigars, bidis, hookahs, vaporizers, and bongs’. The point which needs to be understood before proceeding further into the discussion is that, smoking is an act which causes adverse health effects, both short and long term and this has been proven already. Smoking not only harms the person who is involved in the act of smoking but also harms other people who are around the smokers as they become ‘passive smokers’ (Li et al., 2015).
Thus when smoking is banned in public places in China it sends a clear message to the non-smokers that the act of smoking is something that is bad and harmful and therefore smoking should be discouraged. It also sends a message to the smokers which clearly mean that the government values their life and the life of others related to them; therefore smoking should be banned in public.

新西兰代写 -Smoking is prohibited in public places。 当一个人听到“吸烟”这个词时,不吸烟的人自然会产生抵触情绪,而这对吸烟者来说几乎没有什么影响,因为吸烟恰好是他或她日常生活的一部分。吸烟基本上是以一种特定的方式吸收有害物质的行为,也就是说,一种物质被燃烧,它产生的烟雾被吸收,吸入,最终被血液吸收。一般来说,吸烟的行为包括吸烟,这只是一个烟草星球的干燥的叶子卷在米纸的形式的圆筒。其他形式的吸烟包括“烟斗、雪茄、比迪斯、水烟、汽化器和砰”。在进一步讨论之前,需要了解的一点是,吸烟是一种行为,会对健康造成长期和短期的不利影响,这一点已经得到了证明。吸烟不仅伤害了参与吸烟行为的人,也伤害了周围的人,因为他们成为“被动吸烟者”(Li et al., 2015)。
