新西兰代写 债务税收





Automatic stabilisers are essential part of any country’s fiscal policy. There are basically two sides like expenditure and revenue side for which Taxes and unemployment are considered as respective automatic stabilisers. Ireland represents a small government and a lean unemployment benefit system as automatic stabilisers.Ireland’s official debt at the end of 2012 was around €190 billion. If Ireland is able to get its annual tax income matched to its non-interest expenditures for next couple of years, then also it will have a huge debt lying on its shoulder. Now people are paying back for other people’s debt as well along with their own debt. So it is now a matter of greater concern for the government and now they should start analyzing how they will incorporate projects in the country. Also now it is time to make a proper decision on those number of unjustified saleable and valuable assets lying with government. If not looked upon it then inturn the interest on debt will again act as another curse for the generations to come which will again pose a lot of debt burden on the nation. But the current strategies are more relying on hope that creditors will still lend us and in future government may find a better way to deal with this. So in this way Irish government is ignoring a much bigger picture and it should now give foremost priority to paying off the debt