


即使在没有自由化改革的情况下,中国经济仍在持续增长,在全球经济发展中发挥着至关重要的作用(Wang, 2011, p-621)。民主从政治的角度接纳了自由的理念(Fewsmith, 2013)。该国民主成功的主要因素是选举政府官员的自由,这进一步影响决策过程(Courmont, 2013, p.349)。中国的精英统治挑战了中国民主与专制的刻板对比(Rodrik, 2011)。如果中国经历民主化,那么必然会导致国家一党专政的瓦解,政治选手的出场也会受到不利影响(Yao, 2013)。

在中国,唯一的官方管理机构是中国共产党(Gertz, 2013)。中国拥有这样一种政治制度的主要优势在于,中国的决策过程不受公众反对意见的影响(Aslund, 2013)。这有助于以一种相对容易的方式为任何问题得出早期结论,并且在短而合理的时间内得到实施(Friedberg, 2011, p.22)。这种不受影响的决策概念可以通过2008年奥运会期间北京的快速建设得到最好的解释(Nabatchi, Gastil, Weiksner, and Leighninger, 2012)。

在很短的时间内,为了国家的发展,任何有思想的想法都很容易付诸实施,因为在这个国家,没有公众或其他政治人士对这个想法的实施进行激烈的辩论(Grinin, 2013, p.25)。另一方面,不能否认中国的政治安排是完美无缺的(He, and Warren, 2011, p.271)。许多评论家认为,政府在中国的官员滥用权力,这是因为政府中国官员的有争议的政策是任何人都无法挑战的(King, Pan, and Roberts, 2013, p.335)。然而,民主化并不影响中国的经济增长(Wallace, 2016, p.29)。经济增长的发展优先于民主。中国的高增长源于成熟的威权发展国家(Li, 2012, p.609)。

新西兰代写作业 :中国民主化政治的讨论分析

China even in the absence of liberalized reforms continues to enjoy economic growth and plays a vital role in the global economic development (Wang, 2011, p-621). The idea of freedom is embraced by democracy from the political point of view (Fewsmith, 2013). The major element for the success of democracy in the country is about the freedom of electing government officials that further influences the policy-making process (Courmont, 2013, p.349). The stereotypical contrast between democracy and autocracy in China is challenged by the meritocratic governance of China (Rodrik, 2011). If China experiences the democratization then that would certainly lead towards the disruption of the one-party system in the country and the appearances of the political contestants will also be adversely affected (Yao, 2013).
In China the only official governing body within the national boundaries is the Communist Party of China (Gertz, 2013). The major advantage undertaken by china of having such a political system is that the decision making processes in the country are not affected by the objections raised by the general public (Åslund, 2013). This helps in deriving early conclusions for any of the problems in a relatively easy manner and is also implemented in a short and reasonable period d of time (Friedberg, 2011, p.22). This concept of unaffected decision making can be best explained through the rapid construction that took place in Beijing during the Olympic Games in 2008 (Nabatchi, Gastil, Weiksner, and Leighninger, 2012).
It is easy to implement any thoughtful idea into practice for the betterment of the country within a very short period of time as there are no heated debated by general public or other political for the implementation of the idea in the country (Grinin, 2013, p.25). On the other hand it cannot be overruled that the political arrangements in China are flawless (He, and Warren, 2011, p.271). It is argued by many critics that the power is misused by the government officials in China and this is due to the fact that the controversial policies of the government officials of China cannot be challenged by anyone (King, Pan, and Roberts, 2013, p.335). Still democratization does not condition the economic growth of China (Wallace, 2016, p.29). Developments in economic growth are prioritized over the democracy. China had its high growth origin through proficient authoritarian developmental states (Li, 2012, p.609).