

那些最终被关在难民营里的人们和家庭过着他们甚至在最糟糕的梦中也不想过的生活。这是由于战后可用的设施与原来的房屋不一样。这些人就像生活在政府的怜悯之下一样(Diken, 2004)。在难民营的那段时间是战后离开的人们和家庭生活中最艰难的时期。在战争期间,人们离开原来的家园,寻找能够生活和保护家人免受战争影响的地方,这是最重要的时刻。比如英国人在肝脏池里,他们的家被毁了,没有人来照顾他们。住宅和设计之间的关系从来没有关闭过,在战争之后,个人被留在一个条件下,他们在寻找一个合适的地方居住,给朋友和家人提供安全的房子。每个人都有对新家的渴望战后,他们有机会根据自己的决定建造自己的房子但是他们没有任何东西可以买房子或者组装房子。1914年8月,当不利的情况发生时(Kagwanja, 2000),它仍然是有史以来最大的分界点。世界上没有任何一场战争能像第一次世界大战那样显示出如此重大的表达变化,它被视为现代主义从萌芽到创造条件的上升的转型阶段。英国在这方面几乎没有什么影响,因此,在1900年和1930年前后的某个时间点,痛苦和震惊中的情绪经常出现在明显无利可图的范围内。


阿伦特认为,难民是介于国籍和出生之间的人,国籍体现为国家公民权利,出生体现为人不可剥夺的权利。这导致了难民的生活,他失去了作为一个人的政治地位以及在社区中的地位。这也限制了他的任何行动和他的命运作为一个整体的一部分,他可以在最充分的享受(Agier, 2002)。这表明战后被留在难民营的人或家庭的情况如何。他们中的许多人会受伤,许多人会成为残疾人,他们一直在寻找政府来帮助他们生活,并为他们提供康复服务。以下是收集到的有关英国政府提供的设施的一些照片。

新西兰essay代写 :英国难民营内的人民情况

The people and the families who end up in the refugee camps were living the lives which they do not want to live even in their worst dreams. This was due to the reason that the facilities which were available during the post war time were not the same as that of their original houses. These people were living like they are living on the mercy of the governments (Diken, 2004). The time in the refugee camps was the toughest time of the lives of the people and the families left after the war. During the war, the prime time was the time when people left their original home in finding the place where they could able to live and protect their families from the effects of the war. Like take the example of the British people in liver pool which were left with the broken home and nobody was there to provide care to them. The relationship of the home and design never closes, after the war individuals were left in the condition that they were searching for an appropriate spot where they can live and give safe house to the friends and family. Individuals dependably have their desire of new home and after the war, they got the chance to manufacture their homes of their decisions however they cleared out with nothing with which they can purchase a home or assemble it. It remained a greatest cut–off point ever of August 1914 when unfavourable occasions happened (Kagwanja, 2000). There is no other war as the First World War which has demonstrated such significant expressive change is seen as the transformational segment for the ascent of Modernism from its embryonic to create condition. Britain had little effect in this, so that sentiments amidst pain and shock have frequented the clearly unprofitable scope of time some place around 1900 and 1930.
The situation of the people in the refugee camps was that they need to take rations from the authorities which governed the refugee camps. It means that they were not living on their own terms but on the situation of mercenaries. Different camps were organized at different place like the camps for the small children, hospitals, private homes and even the partly destroyed structures which were used to provide shelter to the people. After the war Britain got the mix of culture with the people who were basically Romans, Victorians and other which had different tastes and cultures. This brought lot of challenges for the people to live in the refugee camps. Even though they were not feeling the comfortless but what else they could able to do at that point of time.
According to Arendt, refugees are the people who caught between the nationality, embodied by the citizen rights of the state and nativity embodied by the inalienable rights of man. This results in the life of the refugee that he loses his status of being a person politically as well as place in the community. This also restricts him to make any actions and part of his destiny as whole where he could able to enjoy the things at the fullest (Agier, 2002). This shows that what would be the position of the person or the families which were left in the refugee camps after the war. Many of them would be injured and many got disabled who were always looking for the government to help them to live their life and also to provide rehabilitation to them. The following are few of the pictures which have been collected about the facilities which were provided by the British government.
