

在与消费者交谈时,必须确保一切都与质量有关,而不是数量。采访过程将允许获得一个深入的概述与情感洞察力,可以用来创建一个假想的测试与活动的变化。在进行面对面访谈时,选择的地点也是I-phone的零售店。将选择5个零售网点。面对面的访谈更可信,它使被访谈的参与者参与到这个过程中(Hayter, 2007)。当我们考虑到一个人在面试时很放松,那么参与者就会觉得他们有足够的安全感来揭示他们态度背后的情绪。因此,它也成为一种可能性,发现视角,否则将不可能通过任何其他媒介找到。

新西兰化学工程论文代写 :消费者采访的问卷调查

有组织的面试被认为是必不可少的,因为这将有助于确保每一次面试都以与需要提问的问题完全相同的方式进行。从这个角度来看,结构化访谈是一种收集数据进行统计性质调查的手段。在这种情况下,采访者只会收集数据,而不会进行自我管理性质的问卷调查。面试官会像在调查问卷上一样仔细阅读问题。问题的答案选择是固定的,也是开放的(Hayter, 2007)。这两种方法都在结构化的面试过程中得到了应用。结构化访谈进一步规范了受访者被提问的顺序。

新西兰化学工程论文代写 :消费者采访的问卷调查

When you talk to consumers, you have to make sure that everything is about quality, not quantity. The interview process will allow for an in-depth overview with emotional insight that can be used to create a hypothetical test with activity changes. In the face-to-face interview, the choice of location is also the i-phone retail store. Five retail outlets will be selected. Face-to-face interviews are more credible and involve participants in the process (Hayter, 2007). When we consider that a person is relaxed during an interview, participants feel secure enough to reveal the emotions behind their attitude. Therefore, it also becomes a possibility to discover perspectives that would otherwise be impossible to find through any other medium.

新西兰化学工程论文代写 :消费者采访的问卷调查

Organized interviews are considered essential because they help ensure that each interview is conducted in exactly the same way as the questions that need to be asked. From this perspective, structured interview is a means to collect data for statistical investigation. In this case, the interviewer will only collect data and will not conduct self-management questionnaire. The interviewer will read the questions as carefully as if they were on a questionnaire. The answer to the question is fixed and open (Hayter, 2007). Both methods are used in structured interviews. Structured interviews further standardize the order in which respondents are asked questions.
