

也许,正如俗话所说,预防胜于治疗。虽然目前还没有根除病毒的直接端到端解决方案/药物,但在世界各地开展预防机制的工作是适当的。社会学家和经济学家可以更好地推动卫生系统,并为经济提供更好的战略。当多种病毒同时出现时,全球公共卫生界已经处于危险之中(EU, 2014)。新医疗产品的供应、世卫组织应急体系的变革以及国际应急小组的更新,这些都是目前难以实现的思路。

新西兰环境研究论文代写 :预防胜于治疗的案例分析

埃博拉病毒已知是由受感染的动物,最好是蝙蝠引起的(Bindra, 2014)。在这种情况下,很明显,环境被污染了,因此,动物也被污染了。从环境保护开始,定期进行安全检测。到目前为止,救援工作进展缓慢,这是成千上万家庭失去亲人的原因。另一方面,预防至关重要,因为它将减少今后这种传播的可能性。有了更好的卫生系统,人们的免疫系统就可以建立起来,人们就可以更好地利用卫生系统。通过这种方式,预防效果更好,为治愈艾滋病和埃博拉病毒铺平了道路。

新西兰环境研究论文代写 :预防胜于治疗的案例分析

Perhaps, as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Though it is seen that there are no immediate end to end solutions / medicines to eradicate viruses, it is appropriate to work on the prevention mechanisms around the world. It is in the hands of sociologists and economists to drive the health systems to better extent and also to empower the economy with better strategies. The global public health community is already at stake when multiple viruses coincide at the same time (EU, 2014). Supply of new medical products, changes in emergency response system of WHO and renovation of international emergency response team are few ideas can be achieved.

新西兰环境研究论文代写 :预防胜于治疗的案例分析

Ebola virus is known to be caused by an infected animal, a bat preferably (Bindra, 2014). In this case, it is clear evidence that the environment is polluted and hence, the animals are polluted too. It begins from the environmental protection followed by safety tests on regular basis. Aid has been slow so far and this is the reason for the loss of thousands of families. On the other hand, prevention is crucial as it will decrease the possibilities of such spread in the future. With better health system, the immune system of people can be built upon and people can make better use of the health system. This way, prevention is better and paves way for cure of such viruses – AIDS and Ebola.
