




2000年企业利润占比达到40%,1980年为20%,1990年为30% (Krippner, 2005)。想象一下金融公司利润和GDP份额的快速增长,人们会认为生产在所有意义上都是次要的。资本市场的引入和贸易限制的开放为投资全球股市做出了很大贡献。这导致了一种方法的实现,即快速买卖股票是最赚钱的盈利方式之一。债务融资和将这些债务转换成有价证券,对全球市场做出了另一项重大贡献。在全球市场上,每天有数十亿美元的国家和机构投资者进行债务互换。


The role of financialization has been increasing with a ferocious pace, where real production of goods is considered tedious and time consuming. This does two thing to the market; one, it makes the value of forming a production company from scratch a demoralising, and two, it makes citizens and participants in the corporate world greedier of the easier ways in which financialization can earn them quick profits. The US has been the originator of the concept and has been the victim of it also, too soon. Reportedly, the share of financial sector in the US GDP increased to 23% in 2001 from 15% in 1960, which surpassed the value of manufacturing in the 1990s.


The corporate profit percentage increased to 40% in 2000, which was 20% in 1980 and 30% in 1990s (Krippner, 2005). Imagining such expedite increase in the financial firms’ profits and share of GDP makes one think of production as secondary in all sense. Much of the contribution was provided with the introduction of capital markets and opening of trade restrictions to invest in global stock markets. This led to the realisation of the method where buying and selling stocks at quick intervals was one of the most lucrative way of making profits. Debt funding and converting these debt into marketable securities made another contribution that still looms large across the global market where billions of dollars of debt exchange every day between nations and institutional investors.