



It was in 2004 that Basel II was introduced; guidelines were laid down for risk management (Operational and Market risk) and capital adequacy (having better definitions) and also the requirements of disclosures.
-to set the risk weights for banks, corporate and sovereign claims using the external rating agencies (Bali, Turan, Lin Peng, 2004)
– The risk of loss resulting from failed or inadequate internal systems, people and procedure or from some external events is known as operational risk. Legal risk is included in this definition but doesn’t include reputation and strategic risk. Legal risk encompass of exposures to penalties, fines or penal damage from supervisory action. This risk is calculated using complex methods.
– Market participation assess to the capital adequacy of the firm is allowed by disclosure on the basis of the data on the scope of capital, application, risk assessment procedure, rusk exposures, etc. (MONROE, Mary Frances., 2010).
Basel III:
It is believed by many that the global financial crisis of 2008 was caused due to the shortcoming of Basel II. This might be due to the absence of regulations on debt taken by bank on its books. Also, while ignoring the systemic risk, it focused more on individual financial institutions. To make sure that banks don’t rely too much on short term fund and don’t take excessive fund, in 2010 Basel III norms were proposed.
The agenda of the guidelines was the promotion of a more resilient system of banking by concentrating on four crucial parameters of banking; they are leverage, capital, liquidity and funding.
Necessity of Tier capital and common equity would be 4.5% and 6%.
LCR of the liquidity coverage would necessitate banks to keep a buffer of high quality liquid asset to focus on the outflows of cash faced in situations of short term stress as said by administrators. As on 1 January 2019, the minimum LCR requirement would be to reach 100%.
By diving the Tier 1 capital by the average total consolidated assets of the bank, the leverage ratio is calculated and it must be more than 3%.