



新西兰考古学论文代写 :湿地设计前的考虑


新西兰考古学论文代写 :湿地设计前的考虑

Before doing the actual design of the wetlands, it is important to ensure that the design should be kept completely simple. If the complicated technologies will be implemented, it may lead to failure. The design should be such that there should be minimal amount of maintenance. Also, the design should be done for the extreme conditions of weather and climate. In addition to this, it is also important to avoid over engineering over the design of the wetland. Another important thing is to ensure that the entire system is getting the proper time for the functioning as wetlands can’t be functional overnight. Also the design of the systems should be done for the purpose of function and not form.

新西兰考古学论文代写 :湿地设计前的考虑

In order to discuss the design, it is important to consider the climate. As it can be seen from the data analysis, the temperature of the place is variable. Sometimes, it can be very cold while on the other times, it is not cold. Thus the location typically observes cold winters and mild summers. As per the data, it can be found that the temperature ranges from -3.1 degree centigrade in January to around 20 degree centigrade in summers. The average precipitation at the place is around 120 mm.