

空间格局理论所依据的理论和概念是创造力、想象力、表现力、自然性、连接性、符号、再现性、礼仪性、功能性、统一性、美、复杂性、平衡性、对称性、比例、尺度、系统、组织、层次和秩序。其他与图案相关的概念有色彩、叙述、节奏和和声,它们都受到文理艺术和机械艺术中一些学科的影响。建筑师之间有一个设计方案的竞争,条件是建筑不是矩形的(木村,2014)。Mode Gakuen收到了50位建筑师的150多份建议书。这进一步包括支配过去的元模式,包括空间与交替轨道,同心圆,涡旋,树木,和链。


随着建筑范式的先进转变,参数化生成设计、数字化制造和数控机械等工具和理论的结合,有可能考虑新的认知环境和模式所扮演的新角色(Lang and Walter, 2010)。众所周知,图案与过度的装饰和装饰有关。图案作为结构、点缀、装饰、点缀、细节和风格深受数学、几何和宗教以及工艺、设计和艺术的影响(Kruft, 1994)。


The theories and concepts by which there was theorizing of spatial pattern are creativity, imagination, expression, nature, joint, symbol, representation, decorum, function, unity, beauty, complexity, balance, symmetry, proportion, scale, system, organization, hierarchy and order. Other concepts related to pattern are colour, narration, rhythm and harmony had been affected by a number of disciplines within liberal and mechanical arts. There was a competition among the architects for design proposals with the condition that building is not to be made in rectangular shape (Kimura, 2014). Over 150 proposals were received by Mode Gakuen by 50 architects. This further include the dominating past meta- patterns including space with alternate orbits, concentric circles, vortices, trees, and chains.


With the advanced paradigm shift in architecture and the ensued combination of tools and theories that include parametric and generative design, digital manufacturing and numerical control machinery, there lies possibility in considering a new cognitive environment and the new role played by patterns (Lang and Walter, 2010). Patterns are known to be in association of excessive decoration and ornamentation. Pattern as structure, embellishment, adornment, ornament, detail and style is affected deeply by maths, geometry and religion along with crafts, design and arts (Kruft, 1994).
