



新西兰论文抄袭 :关于美的人权讨论分析


然而,另一类人是富有阶层,他们有足够的钱,想要把钱花在有效的、能长期保持高正面影响的事情上。正如上文所提到的印度著名女演员进行了嘴唇再造手术,这些富有的人肯定能够负担得起这些手术,并带来更好的产出(Gilman, 2005)。最终,社会会根据一个人的外貌、家庭或工作场所对他进行评价。因此,这类人认为调查这件事至关重要。

新西兰论文抄袭 :关于美的人权讨论分析

It is agreed that people possess freedom of expression and choice. It is one’s own money that is being spent to make a correction in the body (Gilman, 2005). There are chances where a specific part of the body would have got damaged due to car accident or fire accident and the person might be working in an industry that demands beauty. In those cases, there are no options but to go ahead with corrective actions such as plastic surgery. This will maintain the outlook and image of the person in the society.

新西兰论文抄袭 :关于美的人权讨论分析

Although parents are the ones to have granted the right to decision making by children, it is sometimes treated as highly demanding because of the point that they might feel confident enough. Indeed, a major portion of people in the world judge others based on looks at first sight. It is this very reason that motivates people to fall for cosmetic surgery to build their image and create a happy and pleasant outlook that everyone would love to watch at all times.
Yet another category of people is the wealthy class that has adequate money and wanted to spend on something that is effective and stays on a long term with a high positive impact. As already mentioned above about the famous actress in India who has carried out lip reconstructive surgery, such wealthy people can definitely afford to these procedures and bring better outputs (Gilman, 2005). Ultimately, society rates a person depending on their appearance, their family or workplace. Hence, these sorts of people find it crucial to look into the matter.