

传教时期的动机是确保土着居民得到保护。据说传教时期的早期根源于1824年左右开始。正是在这段时间,传教士在麦夸里湖建立。在巴瑟斯特戒严结束后,它位于悉尼北部。 1874年,马龙加传教士在新南威尔士州成立。
传教士主要由政府和教会建立。当土着人民离开家园时,他们被留在传教士手中。许多教会和政府从根本上管理这些传教士。每个传教士都有自己独特的规则和一些标准规则。传教士的独特规则是他们必须使用一些类似的同质协议来运作。向生活在传教士中的人们提供了教育和生计培训。传教士对儿童的重视程度很高。 14岁以上的儿童不得不离开传教士与一般社会交往。 1850年至1900年间建立了许多传教士。从1952年到1967年,为每个专门的服务和任务设立了许多传教士(布鲁姆,2010年)。在此期间,特派团的意识形态发生了建设性的变化。在这项同化政策中,特派团的行动发生了变化。儿童不再被迫离开家人参加这些任务。他们必须找到自己的生计。这是政府为灌输西化实践所做的努力。
土着人的死亡率很高。如果原始居民将彻底灭绝,这引起了越来越多的关注(McNally,1974)。因此,1837年,该国的保护政策开始增长。政策的运用方式是给予人民一些公民自由。在此行为之前通过了一些后来的立法。教会和政府在建立保护主义地区方面发挥了重要作用。在这部法律中,禁止饮酒,土着就业和某些文化活动。土着儿童与欧洲社会交往,使他们在人口中更加西化。 1953年福利条例获得通过,以确保保护主义政策。它扭转了立法中提到的一些先前类别(McNally,1974)。在这项法案中,只有具有特殊需要和后续要求的土着人才被考虑在这一行为中。该立法确立了“病房”的定义。它基本上允许进行人口普查。一般来说,在这个时候,人们普遍批评将土着儿童从其原生栖息地中移除。因此,从这项法律的颁布,只有贫困和被忽视的儿童才能获得家园。 1964年“社会福利条例”(Broome,2010)在1964年推翻了这种病房原则和随后的立法。社会福利条例基本上引用了人们不允许沉迷于饮酒,打架,使用枪支或导致社会中断。

新西兰论文代写 :传教时期的历史分析

Motive of the missionary period is to ensure that the Aboriginal population was protected. Early roots of the missionary period is said to have started around 1824. It was during this time missionary was set up in Lake Macquarie. It was in the north of Sydney after the ending of the Bathurst Martial law. In 1874 Malonga Missionary was set up in New South Wales.
The Missionaries were established primarily by the government and by the churches. When the Aboriginal people were displaced from their homes they were made to stay in missionaries. Many Churches and governments fundamentally ran these missionaries. Each of these missionaries had their own unique rules along with some standard rules. Unique rules of the missionaries were that they had to operate also with some homogenous protocols that were similar. Education and livelihood training were provided to the people living in the missionaries. There was a lot of importance given to Children in the missionaries. Children above the age of 14 had to leave the missionaries to mingle with the general society. A number of missionaries were established 1850 to 1900. From 1952 to 1967 there were a number of missionaries that were set up for each dedicated services and missions (Broome, 2010). There was a constructive change in the ideologies of the missions during this period. In this Assimilation policy, was altered in the operations of the missions.. Children were no longer forced to leave their families in these missions. They had to find their own livelihood. This was an effort undertaken by the government to inculcate Westernized practices.
Protection period
There were high mortality rates in the number of aboriginal people. This led to growing concerns if the original inhabitants will decimate completely (McNally, 1974). Hence in 1837 protection policies started to grow in the country. Polices were manoeuvred in a way that there were some civil liberties given to the people. There were a number of subsequent legislations that were passed prior to this act. Church and the Government played an important role in setting up of the protectionist area. In this laws consumption of alcohol, Aboriginal employment and certain cultural activities were not allowed. Aboriginal Children were made to mingle with the European society and made them more westernized in the population. Welfare Ordinance 1953 was passed to ensure protectionist policies. It reversed some of the previous categories mentioned in the legislation (McNally, 1974). In this act Aboriginal people with special needs and subsequent requirements were only considered in this act. Definition of ‘wards’ was established in this legislation. It basically allowed the census to be conducted. Generally in this time there were wide criticisms for removing aboriginal children from their native habitats. Hence from enactment of this law only destitute and neglected children were given homes. This principle of wards and subsequent legislations were overturned in 1964 by Social Welfare Ordinance 1964 (Broome, 2010). Social welfare ordinance basically cited that the people were not allowed to indulge in drinking alcohol, get into fights, use firearms or cause disruptions to the society.
