




新西兰论文代写 :海顿作品的创新性

The works of Haydn were innovative. His works have summarized his role in the history of classical music. He is also regarded as the father of the symphony. The kind of productivity, quality and innovation he used in Piano styles can’t be matched by any person. One of his innovations was the development of the large structures from the very short and simple musical motifs which were the standard accompanying figures. Another innovative approach by him was the Sonata form. He practiced the kind of Piano and music which was different from that of Mozart and Beethoven (Schroeder, 1990). In addition to this, he also rearranged the order of themes in order to create an extensive and a great development of themes. Because of his innovative ideas, he also integrated the fugue into the classical form of music and also helped in the enrichment of the rondo form with more cohesive logic for the tome. In addition to this, Haydn was the creator of the double variation form which was the variation based on two different themes ideally known as major and minor modes. The use of humor in the music was another innovative idea which was implemented by Haydn. He also created various numerical jokes such as the false endings. In late 1760’s and 1770’s, Haydn also created various new styles. His Piano style was so famous that it led to the creation of a new era in music.
The works by Haydn have been enlisted in one of the most comprehensive catalogue which has been prepared by Anthony Van Hoboken. This is a catalogue which provides the complete detail of each and every work done by Haydn, including the number which was called as the Hoboken number. In addition to this, the string based quartets also consist of the Hoboken numbers and are generally identified as the opus numbers.