





在这一阶段,个体从第一和第二阶段的经历中发展出自己的意识形态。贝尔福特认为,有了更多的钱,他周围的所有规则都可以改变(Crane and Matten, 2016)。有一种观点是发展出来的,贝尔福特认为,通过拥有更多的经济资源,他周围的人可以被操纵来执行他的命令。有一种集中的趋势是人是可以改变的。他关注的是他周围的人天生的贪婪来做决定。


Another important theory is the Hofstede theory of national dimensions. This theory is used to understand about the nationalistic cultures of a place.
The Hofstede theory focuses on the power distance index, individualism vs collectivism, uncertainty avoidance and masculinity index. Each of these factors is focused on the nationalistic culture variables. People from a particular nation are found to be attuned towards certain ideologies. Belfort is from a nation where the indulgence score is very high and also the individualism. Indulgence is about how the individual prefer to have taste for their own indulgence. Individualism score is about personal growth rather than the growth of the communities. The protagonist is more attuned towards the personal growth and overlooks the factor of society. He invests his money oversees in an attempt for self-preservation. From this, it is clear that the normative standards of the society play an important role in the determination of the culture of the place.


In this stage, the individuals develop their own ideology from these experiences of the first and second stage. Belfort assumes that with more money, all the rules around him can be changed (Crane and Matten, 2016). There is a perspective that is developed where Belfort assumes that by having more economic resources, the people around him can be manipulated to do his bidding. There is a central tendency that the people can be changed. He focuses on the innate greed of the people around him to make the decisions.