新西兰论文代写价格 索赔



If an insured claims to be unaware that a fact was material the test is: Could a reasonable person in the same circumstances be expected to know that the fact was material? (s21(1)(b)).  If the answer is yesthe insured has failed the duty of disclosure, as Macaura v Northern Insurance Co (1925) AC, says that position has been revised by the Act which provides that a agreement of general insurance will not be considered as void just because the insured required an insurable interest in the subject matter at the time of making the contract.  It is sufficient that the insured suffered an economic or pecuniary loss as a result of damage to or destruction of the subject matter of the existing insurance contract. (s16 and s17 of the Act). Similarly, s18 of the Act provides that a life insurance contract is not void solely because the insured did not have an interest at the time the contract was made.  Beneficiaries have never been required to have an insurable interest when a payout is due under a policy.


若被保险人索赔是没有意识到一个事实材料测试:可以合理的人在同一情况下被期待知道事实,是吗?(,(1)(二))。如果答案是yesthe被保险人未告知义务,作为macaura五北保险公司(1925)交流,说的地位被修改的行为,提供了一个协议一般保险将被视为无效,因为被保险人要求保险利益主体在决策时合同。这是足够的,被保险人遭受经济或金钱上的损失,由于损坏或破坏现有的保险标的的合同。(S 16和诱惑的行为)。同样的,说什么该法规定,人寿保险合同不无效仅仅因为被保险人没有有兴趣,当时合同了。受益人从来没有被要求要有保险利益,当支出是由于政策下。