新西兰论文代写价格 问卷技术





A questionnaire would be prepared that would be distributed to 100 entrepreneurs. The aim would be aims to explore success factors, motivations, issues as well as stress that an entrepreneur faces in enterprises of small as well as medium size. This would help in understanding the perspective of the entrepreneurs in general and derive the resultant number so as to compare the outlook of the entrepreneurs in China. This technique is quite practical. These questionnaires would be sent to the entrepreneurs through e-mail. There are several benefits of questionnaire technique in this research. This method would help in collecting large from a huge group within a short span of time. This manner is also quite cost effective. It is also easy to be carried out. A questionnaire’s result can mostly be quantified speedily and simply by the researcher through use of software package. After the quantification of the data, it can be easily used for comparing with other researches already conducted.