


企业网络的概念是指企业通过一系列生产阶段向(国内和企业)最终用户或消费者(客户)提供商品或服务的一种安排。对于一个公司来说,在商业网络中选择正确的位置或者最引人注目的位置是非常重要和必要的,因为每个阶段的利润是不同的。因此,在这个时刻,本组织审议三个最基本的问题是十分重要的。公司必须了解特定职位在网络中的吸引力;他们必须设计可以在网络的任何点或任何阶段应用的策略(Davis, 1993)。组织还必须了解它们执行在网络任何位置采取的任何战略所需要的能力和资源。这可能会帮助这些公司在竞争中保持领先地位,并比其他公司拥有可持续的利润。例如,IBM以大约35亿美元的价格收购了Waterhouse Cooper (PWC)的咨询部门,以保持其在市场上的竞争力,并对信息和技术业务进行明智的投资。IBM设计其策略是通过业务将技术集成到业务流程中,从而向客户交付价值。

人们已经看到,企业正在学习理解早期信号,以便实时进行业务调解。英国最大的零售巨头特易购持续分析其顾客的购买模式,尤其是零售商的1300万忠诚卡会员。这些不同的发现不时地帮助公司设计在不同商店销售的产品,并帮助提前提供顾客流失的信号。这种积极的下游决策为了维持良好的关系(与客户)帮助乐购在不同时间也帮助他们重新定位本身只是一个卖杂货零售商的衣服,保险,提供贷款、银行和移动电子商务在当前天(李维斯和Deimler, 2011)。

在这里可以提到的是,对企业来说,不时地检查市场的竞争地位和设计自己的战略已经变得非常重要。此外,还必须保持其所有资源随时满足其战略计划的每一项要求。一旦公司解决了所有这三个问题,公司就该决定是保持相同的职位,还是重新定位,还是退出当前的业务网络(Quinn and Hilmer, 1994)。公司重新定位的决定主要取决于是否有机会开发新的能力。例如,Easton在与AMI签订为期六年的合同时,年营业额为6.2亿美元,是一家小公司。与AMI签订了每年1亿美元合同的公司变得更大了。为了保持市场领先地位,公司在研发部门进行了投资,从其他小公司购买了技术。然而,重新获得与AMI的合同意味着它必须建立额外的能力,因为AMI希望使用与收购伊斯顿相同的技术,而伊斯顿在市场上的利润并不高。此外,AMI要求“成本加安排”,这是公司在第一份合同中曾经同意的,因此伊斯顿只能获得5%的利润或销售单位。因此,现在是伊斯顿必须做出最终决定,他们是接受阿美的条款,还是退出。

新西兰论文代写 :企业网络的概念

The concept of business network means an arrangement made in the business to deliver goods or services to (to both domestic as well as business) the end-users or consumers (customers) through a number of production stages in between. It is important and essential for a firm to choose the right positions or the most striking positions in the business network, as the profits at each stages are different. So at this juncture, it is highly important for the organization to consider three most essential sets of issues. Companies must understand the attractiveness of a particular position in the network; they have to design their strategies that can be applied at any point or at any stages of the network (Davis, 1993). It is also essential for the organizations to understand their capabilities and resources required to execute any strategy adopted at any position of the network. This might help the firms to stay above the competition and have sustainable profits than others in the business. For instance, IBM bought Price Waterhouse Cooper’s (PWC) Consulting unit for approximately $ 3.5 billion in order to stay competitive in its market and to make wise investments information and technology business. IBM designed its strategy to deliver value to its client through its business thus integrated technology with business process.
It has been seen that companies are learning to understand the early signals in order to make operational intercessions in real time. The largest retail giant of the UK Tesco continuously analyse the purchase pattern of its customers especially the 13 million loyal card members of the retailer. The different finding from time to time helps the company design it’s offering at different stores and helps to provide signals of customers’ loss in advance. This proactive decision making in order to maintain good relationship downstream (with customers) has helped Tesco at different time and also helped them to reposition itself from just a grocery retailer to seller of clothes, insurances, providing loans, banking and moving to e-commerce in the present days (Reeves and Deimler, 2011).
It can be mentioned here that it has become essential for companies from time to time to check the competitive position of market and design its strategies. Moreover, it is also essential to keep all its resources ready to address every requirement of its strategic plans. Once the company has addressed all these three issues, it is time for company to decide whether to maintain the same position or go for re-positioning or exit the current business network (Quinn and Hilmer, 1994). Company’s decision to re-position mostly depends upon whether there is any chance to develop new capabilities or not. For instance, Easton with an annual turnover of $620 million was a small company when it first signed contract with AMI for six years. The company with a contract of $100 million per annum from AMI grew bigger. In order to stay in the market as leader, the company invested in its research and development department, bought technologies from other small companies. However, regaining its contract with AMI means it has to build extra capacities, as AMI wants the same technology that it uses to take Easton which is no more lucrative in the market. Moreover, AMI demands “cost plus arrangement” to which the company once agreed during its first contract, as a result of which Easton will earn only 5% profit or units sold. So here it is Easton who has to take the final decision for whether they will go with AMIs terms or will back out.