


企业家面临的共同问题是,陈述的篇幅太长,无法吸引投资者,缺乏事实和摘要的执行摘要。其中,缺乏对产品或服务将在市场上解决的问题的描述,缺乏让投资者信服的退出策略,未能听取投资者的意见,不愿意接受新的变化(Frasch, 2013)。引入的产品或服务必须描述为它们将在市场上解决什么问题,并填补需要填补的空白。这一点很重要,因为任何购买产品或服务的人都会基于一个合理的理由,即使理由模糊或不完整。广告还必须解释为什么消费者会在产品上花钱,相信企业家,并把钱投入到他们的业务中。




好的商业计划书包括以下材料或内容(Christopher, Kleine and Woods, 2014):

  1. 要详细说明的想法
  2. 这个想法解决了什么问题?


  1. 谁是顾客?
  2. 产品或服务的成本和零售价格是多少?
  3. 竞争对手是谁?他们是什么类型的?
  4. 这个想法和商业计划有什么独特之处?
  5. 除了运营成本,还需要什么资金和投资?


新西兰论文代写 :商业计划书的形成

Common problems faced by entrepreneurs are the length of the pitch presentation which is too long and unable to appeal the investor, and lack of a factual and summarised executive summary. Among others, lack of the description about the problems that the product or a service will be solving in the market, lack of a convincing exit strategies for investors, and a failure to listen to investors and not willing to be open in accepting new changes (Frasch, 2013). The product or a service introduced must be described in terms of what they will solve in the market and fill the gap that is required to be filled. This is important since anyone buying a product or a service will do so on the basis of a sound reason, even if the reason is blur or incomplete. The pitch must also explain why customers will spend on the product, believe in the entrepreneur and put money in their business.
In studying the above basic description of an elevator pitch, it is thoroughly concluded that the following thesis statement is formulated:
“The entrepreneur has multiple problems in making the investor understand the business plan and win their attention and investment. However, with thorough planning and creative thinking, it is possible that the investment can be secured with the willing consent of the investors”.
Understanding the business pitch
The good business pitch includes the following materials or contents (Christopher, Kleine and Woods, 2014):

  1. The idea to be described thoroughly
  2. What problem does the idea solve?
  3. How can the product or a service fix the problem identified?
  4. Who are the customers?
  5. What will be the cost and retail selling price of the product or a service?
  6. Who are the competitors and what kind they are?
  7. What is unique about the idea and the business plan?
  8. What is the funding and investment required along with operational costs?
    These are the general, basic, and expected requirements of a pitch which is essential to be promoted to investors. The pitch must include the above mentioned basic parts or contents to be able to present it to potential investors who will then make some considerations of investing in the business. The pitch must be informative so as to give all such information which is already expected by investors to help them have the factual information to analyse the idea with their own understanding. The business pitch must be logical so as to equip it with all the relevant answers to the questions that arise during the course of discussion with the investor. Logic can solve a lot of questions which are emerging during the analysis. The pitch must address the need of the market or be able to describe the solution provided to a specific problem existing. This helps the investors to get a straight answer to the product being useful or not. The need addressed and the problem solved is two major wins for the entrepreneurs. If it comes clean, it is possible that the idea will be invested into.