

雅思考试旨在帮助评估学生在海外新生活中的语言能力(John & Lee, 2006)。由于缺乏课外语言的接触,雅思成绩的预测效度与课堂上要求的能力相比较表明,外国学生的初始英语水平可能实际上需要高于英语国家。另一方面,在实践中,有时也可能是相反的,新西兰论文代写因为负责英语教学的教师可能会调整他们的风格,以适应非母语的观众,提供额外的视觉支持,或将一些语言支持融入课程计划(John & Lee, 2006)。因此,理解雅思成绩作为有效预测因素的必要性增加了。同样,在台湾的背景下大学生的英语是有限的,有一个明显的预先存在的焦虑状态(至少在口头交流方面,),在课堂上学习英语与母语教师和国际同学,或与他们的寄宿家庭和当地人交流更具挑战性,比坐在一个台湾的英语课堂焦虑的。在这样的环境下,理解雅思成绩作为预测因素也会帮助学校更好地为学生做准备。尽管有这些不同的研究,事实仍然是,没有很多直接的研究雅思口语和听力分数直接联系到台湾学生的能力,在英语为母语的高等教育环境。事实上,大多数预测效度研究都集中在识别雅思考试与学习成绩之间的联系,新西兰论文代写甚至这些研究也显示出非常不一致的结果(Cotton & Conrow, 1998;(Dooey, 2010),与一些相关性在最好的情况下是弱的。

IELTS is needed for Taiwanese students as with all other foreign nations. As the IELTS site argues, taking IELTS examinations will create many opportunities for students. For instance, 新西兰论文代写in the case of worldwide organizations, from government organizations to academics, employment institutions and more, it is argued that IELTS is the only language test that is accepted for immigration (Baker, & Macintyre, 2000).Since it is accepted worldwide by all countries and by academic institutions in particular, 新西兰论文代写the IELTS and its validity serves for the construction of an academic plan for the student. As literature review on the issues of English language learning for Korean students suggests, a transition from English as a second language to English as the only language in the classrooms of the UK student environment could be improved with such a plan.
